So the Gilneans that died in Teldrassil are not Important?
Where did they go in the maw? All we see is Nelf souls.
“ Darnassian Citizens are [night elves], [humans] , [worgen] , and [gnomes] found all over the [burning] [Darnassus] on [Teldrassil]. Many of them are already deceased.” - Gamepedia
Is it, tho? I think we’re just saving souls, it’s never specified who they belong to. There is a good chance there’s a psychopath monster among them who legit belonged in the maw, but we pulled them out and dumped them in Ardeweald.
As for the covenant campaign quest, take it up with Shandris and Tyrande. Do they even remember about their Worgen neighbours?
Let’s say that they set up portals that allow pairs of two to traverse them at the same time. And let’s assume that they made no distinctions regarding the race of the civilian passing through.
Even if they prioritised the passing of children, with a ratio of 100 NE for each Gilnean, we would still have no Gilnean left to 99 NE remaining behind.
Yes, and amongst them, we’d probably have plenty of children.