Gimme Blue Hairs

Just as title says! More color options or dye crafting~

Frosty Blue for Frosty DK!


Beard for trolls


I actually want jaina style hair. Two colours or a nice french braid.


More customisation options across the board? Yes please.

Hair colour? Yes.
Aging? Please!!
Body mass? Roger.
Ability to hide individual pieces of gear (one arm, but no other).


Blach hair for all Night Elves
 and frosty blue for DKs!


here have my like!!


I want longer nostril hair.


I would love more customisation across the board.


Transmogifing underwear would be lovely imo

You mean making it disappear
 admit it.

I mean I make them disappear on other people, I admit.

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Im sorry, but the ‘dye crafting’ got me

“We either live long enough to get more customization, or we dye trying”

Sorry not sorry

“If you gonna dye, dye with your boots on” :slight_smile:

Wow character customization has always been bad.

This is also the worst point asking for such things. Blizz isnt going to make any new “fun” things. It costs. Blizz is in save mode due to activision.

Amusing how every other races apart from Human actually has blue hair/fur available for their DKs.

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I wish people could be satisfied with the wide range of vast colours and styles our friends at Blizzard already provide us with. They work around the clock to deliver us very high quality content.

they focused on adding 25+ mounts for 8.1

imagine they focused on character customs instead of overflowing us with collecting items to keep us logged on?

Customization options could be grindable as well! Just like Night Warrior skin is available after certain quest~ new hair styles could be rewarded by specific faction that would be using unique hair colors or styles, maybe even tattoos and other addorment like feather earrings or bone thro nose.

Also mobs could drop “schematics” that we would give to barbers~

totally agree.

Bearded Forsaken too please!