If players aren’t going to be banned after repeatedly being reported for gameplay sabotage, griefing and constant whinging, at least give us the opportunity to blacklist certain players so we don’t have to get put with them.
Absolute insanity that players like this go unpunished and the only people that do get punished are those who get them on their team/call them out:
need atleast 50 ppl blacklist, many bad players not responding callouts
Couldve just shown the square boxes name part tbh. Actual m+ affix when u get one on ur team
Yep. I’m playing an alt, I get a Deepwind Gorge, I call the bases and instruct a DH to go Farm. Shock horror, he doesn’t, he follows me to Ruins, Farm is uncontested for at least 3 minutes, and then we lose the game by 10 points. So, if he did what I told him to, we win the game.
I asked him why he didn’t go, his response?
‘Oh I don’t read chat you should have whispered me’.
That should be an IMMEDIATE warning/suspension for blatant admission to blocking team progress.
No no I’m told that it’s a complete coincidence that in most of my experiences with griefers and trolls that they’re Russian!
< The Russian guy that told me he plays most of his rated arena games when intoxicated which is why he loses more than he wins. >
No, Blizzard patched in the Disable Chat option for a reason. If you want to do your own thing and don’t want to communicate with others, that’s totally fine with Blizzard. Nobody should be forced to communicate with someone else if they don’t want to, according to Blizzard. That’s why there is solo queue for rated content; you can communicate with others, but you won’t get removed from the group if you don’t.
And that is relevant to my wish of blacklisting throwers and griefers how?
Considering gameplay sabotage and blocking team progress are reportable options, then no, I don’t think ‘doing your own thing’ is ‘fine with Blizzard’ or else they would not be reportable options in instanced content.
That’s fine, you don’t have to communicate with them but at least have a clue about what people want to do in the game. Disabling chats is a direct sabotage and hinderance on your team. Undisputable.
It’s 8v8 with a target of climbing rating. If you don’t care about winning or losing, go and play unrated random battlegrounds.
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There is an ignore list already, for people who don’t want to communicate with someone else. Be realistic, a black list will never be implemented by Blizzard.
And how does an ignore list combat throwers and griefers?
You’re also categorically wrong that ‘people can do what they want’.
‘Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment.’
You’re not responding to a single point with any accuracy whatsoever.
People that throw games, people that grief, people that troll, people that whinge non stop and people who play with their chat off should be warned about gameplay sabotage and disciplined appropriately.
Why exactly do you think they would ever implement this, the same is happening in shuffle personally i might be a trash shuffle player but people dont respond to pings or read the chat.
being bad/ignorant isn’t a valid report option blizzard ever would take seriously.
On a sidenote a blacklist could also be used to exclude players you would often lose to.
Since reading comprehension isn’t a strong point:
Gameplay sabotage and blocking team progress IS, which is my original point:
‘Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment’.
They wont ever implement this.
I hope they do though i’d fill the list in a day.
Also whether people listen to calls or choose to follow instructions in a solo mode is entirely up to the them.
The things that actually will count as valid reports for Gameplay sabotage are things like:
dying on purpose, afking or moving backwards all game etc. you get it.
Point is if you report a guy for not reading the initial instructions to go to farm that would have won the game it wont have any weight since the game has an option to disable chat.
Point is that people who deliberately hinder the progression of teams deserve to be banned. Not a difficult concept.
But they wont do this. For example suppose im in a placement game, almost every player here is in reality throwing on purpose by doing low healing/dps, not anticapping, never assaulting/defending a base etc.
For example in deepwind gorge you’d see every player be at mid the whole game. And never do anything besides PVE’ing dmg.
To combat this what you should have done when the guy didnt go to farm but went to you to ruins, you should have fixed his bad play by going there yourself once you noticed it.
Thanks for the coaching, I will bear that when I’m playing my 3100 MMR main.
However, I am NOT crossing the entire map to run to Farm and then giving Ruins up for free which was frequently attacked. I don’t need your opinions on how to play this game, so keep it to yourself, thanks.
Blitz is about fixing players bad plays in most cases. You aint on voice with them, they aint rank1s. You need to play around it.
we both know that the hard part is to determine w/e someone is playing wrong or right based solely on stats…
one of the most no brainer is me landing a sheep and a warrior bladestorming it and then going: “but im doing more dmg so u r playing bad”
as for the whole blacklist, it used to exist in other games, and it even worked… but until wow is in a good state, and i meana state where u see 30 seconds q at any active hour of the day for rbg soloq
i don’t see stuff that could potentially make q longer happening
But it wont work dude greater than half the player base in blitz is objectively throwing they could be playing ten times better.
Whether you report someone for gameplay sabotage at 3k or 1.2k mmr it doesn’t have a different weight because there isn’t any minimum performance critiria expected of any player in a match based on the mmr they are at.
Then there shouldn’t be a provision in the Terms of Service and there shouldn’t be TWO reportable options for throwers and griefers, should there?
This is why I want a blacklist for players. If there is ‘no minimum performance criteria’ and if Blizzard aren’t going to enforce penalties on anybody other than leavers and those who call out griefers, then allow the players to decide who they don’t want to get grouped with. Not hard.
They have this feature in Overwatch, another Blizzard game, and it works great there. Some people are just on a mission to lose. They play meme builds for fun, they ignore chat, they get drunk while playing, they intentionally derank or they just got lucky and spiked in MMR and are now on their free fall down to whatever MMR they should actually be at.
In Overwatch for example you have 3 players (i think they increased it recently to 10 temporary, 3 permanent) you can blacklist. Most people use these on ‘one tricks’ - people who will log on the game and only play Mercy or only play Reinhardt and never swap no matter how hard they are countered. It works. It works well, actually. The most toxic and annoying players in Overwatch log in and get a ‘many players have chosen to avoid you’ warning which lets you know you’re being a bit of a beeeep and should probably change how you’re playing or beeeeep off and play a single player game.
In WoW it would be no different. You ignore 3-10 players, they now can no longer be put on your team. I already have a candidate in mind for this. I haven’t played for a week, but when I did I farmed 100 points off this one player - an Arms warrior around 2700 MMR.
I caught him in 2 screenshots by chance and as you can see he does around 40% of my damage and just kinda exists in the BG and then loses:
Like I said i farmed 100 points off him and it got to the point where I saw him on the enemy team and said ‘free win’ mentally, because the guy just didn’t do anything.
He was I think 4th or something on the Arms warrior Ladder, now hes 1900 rating:
how? I dunno. Did he DC 4 times? I don’t want DCers on my team. Did he throw games for fun? I don’t want throwers for fun on my team. Did he just sneak into high MMR then fall? I don’t want sneak into high MMR then fall players on my team.
So yeah TL;DR its in Overwatch already and it should be in this game as well. Its a great feature for any random team competitive game.