War mode in general was very good idea, which I liked. But after patch 8.1, some genius (who I hope is fired already), suggested to put an exclusive quest for alliance for extra item which ilvl is the same as heroic raid (yes, normally someone should put effort to receive items, but not alliance, however). I don’t care in general what rewards receive alliance for their WM ON. I dont care are they gonna use it or no. But I care, when alliance has bounty on my head (via quest “against overwhelming odds”), while horde just dont care about killing any alliance. Bind this reward to call to arms quest at least. If the zone has call to arms at least both factions are motivated to kill each other. What is happening now? You have some assault active on some zone without CtA. Of course there are a lot of players from both factions. Alliance just used this moment in order to farm horde kills. This is fine, but what is reason for horde to gather up and answer to alliance farm? Absolutely nothing. No one receive anything for killing alliance, so everyone just try to dodge them and complete their quest as fast as possible. WM On is giving you reward ONLY FOR PVE, NOT FOR PVP. What is this stupid decision, HORDE WM ON to reward only for doing PVE activities (world quests). While alliance at the same time give you reward FOR DOING PVP. I dont get it at all how this world pvp should work, if you give to one faction 0 reason to kill other faction. I receive nothing for killing alliance, except in two CtA zones. I am not even talking, about how bad sharding is working right now and how faction imbalance is constant. It is either horde or alliance populated shard, and no one even care about that. But even on the perfect shard, horde still has no reason to engage in pvp, because they receive no reward from it, only for fun.
PvP is the reward. Anything else is just good to have.
less QQ more pew pew.
So u got killed, fun stuff!
Now are u gonna toggle off and cry about it, or u gonna stand up, inv some m8s and go camp them???
camping someone or getting camped is the start of wpvp
If pvp is reward, why than alliance receive it free item? I totally agree that world pvp should be for world pvp. But right now it is nothing like that. And Blizzard do absolutely nothing for that, they just introduce new way to turn pvp in item farm.
Because there are 75% more Horde-players, based on the official American raiding stats on the WoW homepage. They outnumber the Alliance at every step. The welfare-gear should animate the Alliance-players to play more pvp but it didn’t work because of the feedback loop the Horde-players created and the bad faction management part of Blizzard.
This are another reason why we should have the old servers back, so we know what balance the servers got. Thx blizzard :))))
That’s just to increase participation of Alliance in general. Doesn’t prevent wpvpers getting reward from pvp itself.
So Blizzard creates a faulty system that is super easily exploited because a bunch of alliance players in pve can’t handle world pvp? I’m pretty sure spending 10 minutes rounding up 25 kills per week is equal to several hours of WQ farming over a week considering alliance gets 2k ap, 415 item and 50 conquest.
Alliance has the best racials for m+ and horde has slightly better racials for raiding. In pvp they are about equal, just pick the right class and gg.
Still absolutely no reason to give Alliance free AP and gear because it just happens to be that alliance players prefer pve over pvp
There is a reason.
Not enough Alliance wm on players in region = increased Horde single faction normal overflow shards. That results in a % of Horde players getting free 10%. Before the outnumbered rewards, that was a worsening situation.
With a % of Horde players getting completely unhindered wm bonus, and Alliance getting hindered 15% to 30% bonus, sorta works out, or at least not as one sided as made out.
And the closer the region balance, less overflow shards, the lower the % of Horde getting free 10%, and Alliance get lower extra bonus too.
Good system, self regulating.
Alliance has easy-mode on RP shards, but that’s totally acceptable apparantly.
Oh well, at least I have a reason to play Arms combined with WM off.
“self regulating” by being easily exploitable. Oh you get a few more % in rewards from warmode? What’s saying that your 15-30% increase, compared to Horde, isn’t free now that fewer hordes are playing with warmode on? I’m still not seeing horde players swarming every single shard AND inch of the map. Bunch of hordes doing a WQ? Go elsewhere and come back later when they’re gone.
Should I even mention “Against Overwhelming Odds”? The quest shouldn’t even exist anymore.
Grats, alliance. We won. We got a FREE warmode bonus that is 15-30% higher than Hordes and we’ve had it for a longer period of time that they had their puny “free” 10%. This means that alliance are currently in the upper hand of free rewards (completely “fair” ofc).
Obviously as alliance have fewer players than horde, it makes it impossible for them to overwhelm a shard. You must be dumb to think that is a possibility lol (/s).
And then to finish it off, we have the easily exploitable quest “Against Overwhelming Odds”. What did it give now again? 50 conquest, between 2-3k AP and a piece of 415 loot that can warforge and titanforge? Oh we didn’t get the quest this week? Welp. Better do my daily WQs, turn off warmode, rinse and repeat and make sure I have warmode off when the next reset is so I can get the quest back and laugh in the face of horde players crying of “unfairness” on the forums. They had their fun past expansions with the best racials ever. ( cough stoneform/fireblood,Shadowmeld cough )
The system is flawed and Blizzard are too afraid to admit that they screwed up and can’t fix the problem.
There’s no exploit. An exploit is gaining advantage by doing something that was unintentionally allowed in the design, through a bug or oversight. The bonus system is deliberate and intended to be used as it is.
It works out somewhat for region faction balancing.
- Excessive unequal region balance = single faction overflow shards, with many Horde getting free 10% bonus for zero pvp. But Alliance get their extra bonus on dual faction shards with pvp.
- Reward system encourages more Alliance to WM on, bringing faction balance closer = single faction overflow shards are reduced for Horde = more duel faction shards = less Horde getting free 10% because more of them being exposed to pvp = reduction in Horde pure pve’ers. Alliance are reduced as rewards reduce, for a more gentle approach to equality that is never quite reached.
- Alliance bonus reduces to 15% and aoo quest stops. Then we get less Alliance in wm because no aoo, and increased Horde pure pve’ers turn back on. Gradually the inequality grows and we are back to start.
Nice and self regulating. If aoo stayed on at 15%, we’d potentially reach region equality and equal 10% bonus, at least temporarily. But it doesn’t, not sure why system designed to prevent region equality ever being reached. Maybe blizz like the variety that current system creates, perhaps more interesting than 50/50 in region. Or maybe blizz fear the risk of Horde ever getting aoo and possible result, could destroy already weak Alliance.
Shard balance is another story. It works pretty good too, considering the complexity of player distribution and lfg effect. But, a zone shard doesn’t need perfect balance since it’s not a bg. WM = chaos.
Get region balance better = less single faction overflow shards = easier to balance zone shards = reward incentive system.
It’s not an exploit to do a wm quest, then turn off wm. It’s deliberately designed to allow them to do that, therefore use of the word exploit is inaccurate. While they had wm on, they were wpvping = no problem.
When was it “deliberately designed” for ONE faction to EXPLOIT a quest over and over and over… and over again? I don’t remember Blizzard saying “Hey horde players. You’ve had FREE 10% WQ rewards for 1-2 months. Go f*ck yourself because now we’re giving alliance a 20% increase in WQ rewards AND a quest that only they will have access to”? I’d love if you could source where Blizzard said something similar to this regarding Against Overwhelming Odds.
How is it exploitable in the first place? Because it was designed to help regulate warmode between 2 factions but they entirely forgot the part where alliance can turn on warmode, do the quest, get the free rewards, turn off warmode and laugh at every horde player complaining on the forums, and then turn it on again next week, making it literally impossible for horde to ever get the quest nor the warmode increase. You’ve had FREE 20-30% WQ rewards AND a quest that gives you even more free stuff for how long now? more than 6 months? And yet ally kids have the audacity to still complain about the game being in horde’s favor (cough, cough, let’s not talk about racials).
You damn well know the warmode increases are literally useless because of how sharding works. If someone says they don’t use group finder to travel to another sharding during invasions/nazjatar events/call to arms quests because their current shard is overwhelmed with the opposite faction, then that player is lying. Great. Blizzard can now remove increased warmode rewards for the underrepresented faction (i.e. Alliance). You either get a balanced shard or a shard where Alliance/Horde is dominating. warmode increase has nothing to do with it. Sharding does.
I have yet to see more alliance players in warmode on than horde. Sure when the bonus is upped to 30% and alliance has the quest again (which happens every 2-3 week) there are some more players with warmode on, purely for the quest and call to arms. Then poof and goodbye alliance players. Enjoy the free rewards you don’t deserve because you don’t like wpvp
Patch 8.1 notes make it very clear.
The reward bonuses from War Mode can now scale above 10% when a faction was outnumbered over the course of the preceding week, up to a maximum of 30% additional quest rewards and experience.
In War Mode, an outnumbered faction now has access to a weekly quest to slay 25 level 120 players of the opposing faction, rewarding a piece of item level 370 Arathi Warfront gear and 1000 Artifact Power.
War Mode can now be disabled in any rested area. It can still only be enabled in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
Source: https://www.wowhead.com/news=289122/tides-of-vengeance-8-1-official-patch-notes
“them” being alliance.
It’s still a flawed system that alliance is exploiting.
What’s better? Alliance pure pve players exploiting warmode’s 20-30% bonus and Against Overwhelming Odds until next expansion when it won’t be fixed anyways, or remove the quest and occasionally horde pure pve players will gain 10% warmode bonus in warmode?
You’re weighing gold vs some apples.
The extra bonus is designed to encourage WM on in the outnumbered faction. Works to a degree.
The base 10% bonus is designed to cover the inconveniences of WM such as gy walks. Works to a degree.
Pure pve’er numbers are automatically limited by wpvpers. Works to a degree.
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