Give everyone fixed 492.5 resilience - a bandaid solution

Reroll Alliance faction.

If just PVE Servers would exist :slight_smile:

PvE Servers lock me out of a form of content forever.


Well how about this, they make it so that all servers have their own BG’s like in the old vanilla (sadly not tbc vanilla) days and then the Alliance can move to PvE servers.

Does not even matter since wotlk gear is way faster to get and also pvp bosses exist for free set pieces.

But if you want to do BGs, you’ll have to wait.

Give alliance 500% more stats in the open world so they can quest and farm without being corpse camped. Make alliance immune to dmg when summoning players at an instance. Make alliance immune to dmg while doing escort quest. Give Alliance the spirit towers in terokkar, hordes have had their time to farm marks already. Can’t blizzard see that this need to be fixed so I can enjoy the game as it was ment to be played!

On a more serious note. The only solution to the BG queue is to increase participation for alliance. Giving them increased rewards as they have done in dungeon finder when tanks and healers are to few.

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Seems fair since Alliance lose the majority of the games due to Horde being so much more motivated to play the game due to queues, where Alliance mentality is gg lose fast so I can queue next.

Put a badge on a win for Alliance players and queues will drop.

How about we just give everyone the gear for free? Even better have everyone start from 3k rating and make that the highest you can obtain so everyone can get gladiator =)! Yaay! The audacity of people these days yikes

Alliance are just bad at Bg’s, no pvp players. They are all on horde side.

Very good plan ! Why don’t we just make pvp gear completely irrelevant right in the middle of expansion because two third of the player basis rolled the same faction ?
Don’t take me wrong, I would like for everyone to have equal power and freedom to respec to adapt in pvp. But adding it after the game has been launched and people grinded for some gear and making it irrelevant just won’t happen, and I believe it would be a terrible mistake.

according to ranking website, horde doesn’t have any issues winning in arena.
We could discuss why this is the case, but I mean if you don’t know yourself why you play horde then there’s no point talking

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