Give horde paladin , Give alliance shaman!

And nerf them both
Pvp problem fixed .

No king rules forever my son. That burning sensation of getting nerfed will be quenched by a healthy dose of tears. The :salt: secretions will subside, and then all things will be as they should, perfectly balanced.

Welcome to the club.

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the druid cries out in pain as he strikes you.


If we´re already adding new class options to SoD that didn´t exist in classic, we might as well go all the way and add DK, DH, Monk and Evoker… Then you´ll really have something to complain about in PvP :rofl:

Sorry to be so facetious, but it´s still classic, and one of the key differences between cvanilla and everthing that came after was that horde had shamans, and alliance Palading… TBH I already find alliance having BL to be too much of a deviation to still be called classic anything, but under that lens then horde should have access to BoK, BoL and BoW if they don´t already :beers:

Oy vey less of that

:pinching_hand: :tophat:

is this a joke too far?

just delete half their runes in pvp like they did with druid balance and everyone’s happy