Give party buff already?

DK only needed in raids only for grip fights… For m+ nobody wants us because we dont give anything for party because our grips ar quite useless… Maybe its time to give something ?


Atleast we had horn of winter buff before but blizz thought it was to strong so they removed it.

I can reccomend for blizz to make necrotic aura raid buff instead of just pvp talent 4% magic dmg to enemy close to u.


It’s pointless since demon hunters already give a magic damage boost for the party/ raid.
DK tanks were used a lot in the past for m+ mainly for the ability to combat res.

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Hunters would like a word… But yeah DK’s aren’t on the invite list either. Sad state.


It’s not about hunters my man, it’s about balance :slight_smile:

And blizz care

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would be nice like small barrier for allies or % to extra healing taken for blood, frost increassd defence maybe somehow not barrier but maybe like a ice mirror that breaks if u take too much dmg or pop pet that take ur dmg for few sec

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