Give ret MS

The moment ret got reworked it was way too broken, then got nerfed so now is a useless pve damage class! Pve damage class without healing reduction is just a meme class,and 1.8 players dont understand this but ret is so easy to counter sadly. So they should either buff ret’s burst and nerf pve damage like it was in Shadowlands, give it a PvP talent that causes you not to be able to do any damage while bubble is up but give it a 20% ms on final verdict or some other ability, OR just give it a manual healing reduction like warrior has without needing to be a pvp talent and just nerf their sustain damage by like 10%. I would honestly prefer to give ret burst like it used to have (which is more likely to happen)

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God no. Rather remove it from other classes and let arms warrior be the OG MS class.


idk, to give ret Ms would make u Weaker

Cuz Ms counts as Passive dmg, what u cant see in Details.

and u also Cant stack Ms, Ret main comps are Most likely (Php), hunt have Ms ( warri ret), Warri have Ms, Feral Ret, Feral have Ms or Dh ret, dh have Ms

I could understand if u mean because of solo shuffle/ 2s but these both brackets are Meme brackets, and they shouldnt balance around this.

so this means ret should be only playable in 3s and I am only able to play 3 comps when other classes can play 10 comps, nice logic.

idk ret is doing in shuffle well or not? and 2s is anyway something else

DH shouldn’t of had MS, ret definitely does not need it.


You guys have either got some sort of understanding problem no flame ofc or you skipped first grade and cant read 7 rows in a row

Sure … Give MS to ret why not???. But I would like all classes get Bubble ,freedom bop , LoH, and 3 button rotation to deal effortlessly 150k dps minimum…


its literally the best dps spec in solo shuffle in at 1800+, 2200+ and 2400+.
Some people are peak delusional its insane.

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Or, you know, we just don’t want yet another class to get MS because there are already too many classes that have it. Ret is already idiot proof in terms of rotation and it’s bloated with defensives. Maybe stop being bad?

Also, you literally started your thread with a condescending rating flame and expect people to agree with you, LOL.


Do NOT give ret ms, it’s already broken enough

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You forgot sanct, omega broken ability with 45 sec cd instant and last few sec after the button is pressed.

Absolutely insane spec in every aspect but I agree beside this they only miss ms in their kit haha.


Retributions been broken since its rework, why ask for more? Why not just play.

and u can just play ret warri and enjoy your free rating, atleast it was in last season free…

also warri does the mortal strike for the ret player!

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MS is not the problem.

What do you want to play? Ret Mage? Ret Ele? Ret SP?

Ret is currently fine with like

  • Ret Warr FW
  • Ret Survival
  • Ret BM
  • Ret DH
  • Technically Ret WW could work, it’s a weird alternative to Ret Warr

So like, if you have MS, it means you want to play with a non-MS spec. What comp do you want to play?

Because I don’t see Ret being good with casters even if it had MS, at least not most of them.

I think you need to accept the fact that you’re a support spec that keeps the team up while doing big damage

I would give up MS any day to just have Sac, Bop and Sanc. Those 3 buttons are super overpowered.

So I don’t see the big issue with MS specifically. I can see issues with other things about Ret, like how the offensive kit can be redesigned to be more deadly and less easy with the defensive one being lowered in viability.

But at the end of the day, it’s a top spec in Shuffle, and has like 5 super viable 3s comps. It just sucks in 2v2 but that’s about it.

If you want Ret in a different spot I don’t think MS is the answer, should be something else, like how bad Ret CC is for example, Blinding Light and Rep are one of the worst spells in the whole game for a melee DPS to have

I just don’t see it getting anything much different since it’s very popular and beginner friendly on every kind of rating, and never feels bad to play unless you’re in a full caster game on a large map

Of course ret should not, and never will have ms. Simply because of all the mindless utility ret brings. They might have ms only if sanc, sac, and bop were deleted. So be content with what you have, and cope harder if it’s not enough. Or play dh if you can’t play ret properly.



Yeah Ret 100% need a MS, also a Cyclone like but instant cast CC a Mortal Strike and a Vanish type of spell with 100% immunity to everything for 37s while completely invis, and just a little tiny tiny bump of dmg of everything of 25%, and since its ranged class I think at least another 40 yards to that range would help a little

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No, if anything, remove mortal strike from all but hunters, demo locks, ww monks and arms warriors, like it used to.

Restrict unique utility back to specs.

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You describe DH! :rofl: