Give us an alternative to SEF please!

Besides that it doesn’t even fit the class fantasy, it’s still an unreliable ability, especially in PvP. Even when your clones use trinket and tiger’s lust, they can still be rooted by themselves, and worst of all - they have to chase down a target! They don’t work well when you want to switch targets quickly, having to manually press to redirect them to another target AND for them to RUN TO THE TARGET! Monk is the only class in the game that has their main offensive tied to stupid AI. They basically only work if the target is stationery. It honestly feels like a hindrance to use them, you just have to for the chi cost reduction. Why are you Blizzard so keen to force this awful ability down our throats? Just give us an alternative that is not tied to NPCs - same damage amp. same utility, whatever just not AI.
Alternatively - make them an animation of untargetable images that ALWAYS stick to the target, without them running about. So far the other changes, besides skyreach, have been good, don’t let this one easily fixable mistake ruin the experience for so many players! Thanks

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As if 13th august, clones will be immune to all cc, just spreading the good news.

But I disagree on the not fitting to the class part, it was an ultimate ability of first monk in Warcraft, Pandaren Brewmaster from WC3, it is iconic. For years I was maining shaman and was jelaous of monk having SEF, but after playing it, monk seems like an unique variant of shaman anyway.

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