Give us arena mode without tank/healers

Four DPS, two rounds, one winner, one loser, two draw.
- No soft win / hard lose sh*t
- No 20 min queue time
- Underdog specs can shine
Edit: Add something like CC dampening starting at 15-20%. As there are no healers, the cc chains don’t have to be that big


Underdog specs can shine (rogue, feral)

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I actually forgot to mention something. Instead of healing dampening. We get CC dampening starting at 15-20%.
Now stealth specs with tons of cc like rogue/feral/hunter are forced to open quickly or find different play styles

Any caster besides Mage’d get absolutely exterminated in this environment. No healers and CC reduction over time only benefit Facemelt-gameplay.

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Why do you think that? There is still tons of survivability and kiting. I think someone like Warrior will have a harder time than a Shaman or Demo Lock. It will be very very similar to a 1v1 situation, and ofc in every mode some classes will have some advantage over the rest. But that’s the point different gameplay.
You can’t play your pala in 3s because it’s not meta? Try Blitz or this… I don’t see any cons of having a mode like that

So you just permalose vs a retri that can just hit you while immune then and can make their partner immune too? Since you’ve got no healer to back you up.

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at this point u can introduce minecraft pvp

instead of a pixel pick axe/sword we are using the foam swords from the tcg loot/trading post

funfact, it´s the same playstyle/ mechanic like minecraft pvp, press left mouse button as fast as possible, and try to avoid the meele hit from your oponent

And everyone without excessive access to these, like Shadow Priests f.e., are completely screwed in this mode. And no CC after a short amount of time equals mindless button mashing in the middle of the arena and the person with more PvE dmg output wins. What’s fun about that?

I think this also states why it’s a “meh”-idea; it doesn’t solve anything.

It just creates yet another variant where a limited number of specs shine, and the rest can just … do something else.

What for this is needed, why not 1v1?

It’s much better to make dedicated duel zone with NPC that reset your cooldowns or some kind of gurubashi arena with possibility to queue 1v1 fights.

No pillars, no healers, no tanks, no heal dampening and no consumables available.
Tiny cosmetic rewards or gold for wins.

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because people can climb there, with no skill involved, same for minecraft pvp

or some people enjoying to zugzug without thinking an button smash someone until he is dead

but close to every class except 2-4 outliers will be unplayable in this mode, and if u reach a certain rating there, u will only see stuff like Ret, or rogue because of the powerful immunities

No, sounds silly and punishing towards healers.

Tanks don’t belong in pvp though so that should be standardized in a competitive environment anyway, they make a match literally unplayable or enjoyable that is a whole other level of trash that is next level boring even in blitz they turn it into a 7v7…

rogue make their bed go stealth :frowning:

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How can you climb without skill? PVP is still PVP the better player will win. Also, immunities are not as powerful as you think.
It’s like saying Paladin can’t be beaten in a duel because he has bubble?
Do you know how many classes have immunities? Mage, Rogue, Hunter, Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Demon Hunter, Evoker I prob miss something

Essentially you still need to land an opener use defensive better use offensive better and get a kill. It’s 80% the same as solo shuffle just no healer to save your but7 when you mess up.
Arguments like “enjoying to zugzug without thinking an button smash” are just arrogant nonsense

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they just need to make Bot Healers

like NPC healers give them god reflexes

boom no more waiting for healers in queue

They are if you have no healer backing you up.

And I guess you’ve missed these talents:

This means they can LoH and then bubble if they’re dying again, without having to care about forebearance. You’re basically going to have to kill a retri 3 times over, with no healer backing you. Good luck.

Duels aren’t arena.

How are you guys real? Like how the hell are you suggesting garbage like this?


Priest have a Immunity? huh? u mean dmg reduction

Demon hunter immunity isnt as good as pala, when pala uses his Immunity he can still heal, and do dmg, on top of it he have lay on hands

because it´s the truth, just look at skirmish lol

imagine fighting an ww monk, ret as a moonkin or warri LMAO

it´s impossible to balance wow around 1v1 and they never will do it

Ngl, i hope this will happen in the future, Ai is already on the way to be better than a human, and Ai wont report you, if u do a mistake, and the que will be faster

Playing with healers it’s what sets us apart from animals

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Pvp with healers is basically pillow fighting. 1v1 or 2v2 without healers is best possible solution to revive wow pvp.

Forcing people into 3v3 where you need to find random people through chat just to be able to queue is worst thing that can be ever done to pvp, thats what made wow pve game with tiny pvp community.

What else to say about healers when you even need a special mechanic such as dampening to be able to kill someone, this is such a joke pvp mode.

And before you say something about balance in duels, it is far better than balance on arena, which is basically a dps race, and if your class don’t have damage this patch you will be completely out meta.