Give us back the farm

The tillers from MoP was one of my fondest most fun questline, place to be in WoW and I’ve been playing since classic.

It was such a massive success they made an entire expansion about it: WoD and garrisons, their mistake : They made it mandatory.

The tillers was cool because it was light-weight, non mandatory and gave good advantages for people that used it, it wasn’t over the top, and it didn’t make people millionaires, it was just fun and a niche activity.

I know blizz is working on sorting something out, but for now give us back the basic farm formula which was fun.


I love Sunsong ranch
When I have time, always do it on alts, it is so nice little story and fun too (especially if you unlock the noodle minigame in the market)


Yes please!

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Last time I checked it was still there.

Whenever I quest in Mists of Pandaria I never get tired of the questlines

To this day, Order of the cloud serpents is one of the most fun rep grinds I’ve ever done

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It is also VERY cosy and the people there are fun to interact with.

Always loved harvest moon games and the farm in WoW was like two of my favorite games colliding.


Wait what happened?

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