Give us beards!

Looking at the beard options we got, I have to say there is still a great amount of room for improvement; even more so for the races that lack beards completely (looking at you my trollish and undead brethren).

To me at least, a beard is a thing that shows the style of a man among other things, though we got scarily low number of options. As an example, you can’t even go for a full beard with most elven races!
I ask for an improvement of the options for all races, starting with those who lack them the most. All the styles that would be possible… Like the long wizard beards as an example.

I’d be glad to see people’s opinion and even better beard suggestions here! Everything is appreciated!


Let the dwarfs and humans wallow in their itchy, furry hell.

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Laughs in Vulpera you keep getting everything each patch on a golden plate, your race ain’t the only played one.

I’d love for Vulpera to have more options, we all look alike, Hair styles or some cool fur stuff…I dunno just anything, but don’t see me whining.

Also here is the Void Elf demand section just FYI: The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options


I support this for all races, so even for you, Vulpera! Could be done similarly to how the Worgen and Tauren have it, just needs to be made so it fits the race.
And also, an option doesn’t mean that people are forced to use it, just have the ability to do so.

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I play most races outside Elfs I don’t find them enjoyable, but people seem to Mix what Worgen got, they don’t have much options actually ,they got what? 2-3 new fur colors and 1 set of new ears, the only thing Blizzard gave Worgens…that now have them among the TOP races to get new things is their damn eye colors…it’s nothing original and it’s going to punish Worgens for awhile, nothing cool on their fur, nothing, Tail? people want that…for some reason but there are a lot of things people asked for and didn’t get.


Include that for Kul Tirans too and I’m 100% onboard.

You cant grow a beard IRL so you want one online.

Am i right?
Am i right?!

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Didn’t you mean to say onbeard?


did someone mention beer?? :beer: :beer:

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i approve! more beards!

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I read bear at first… :bear:

B-b-but this pretty female character demands a beard too! Be more inclusive please, beards never go out of style! :cry:
(PS: I only need it to shave it off so I can lengthen my hair with it. Recycling at its finest!) :princess:

Give us crazy beard customization like in Deep Rock Gallactic! UNLEASH OUR BEARDS!!!

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