Give us green skin trolls for DF

Doesn’t make sense that we got the sand troll skin colour instead of the revantusk, that the horde are allied with, unlike the sand trolls who are hostile to the horde.


I wish there also was the bulky troll model to accompany it…


Oh yes plz, been wantin a better green version for years

Dire Troll modell and green skin
They are both long overdue
(Like the red skin, wings and green eyes for the Eredar)

Trolls could use more things in general, face options and such… more skin options would definitely be nice too!

Green skin alone won’t make them forest trolls. They would have to add a bulkier body option as well to get proper forest trolls. That’s probably why they didn’t just add green skin, because they want to do it right. I just wonder what they are still waiting for, the players have been talking about this literally since day one. All they need to do is increase the muscle mass and add green skin to the existing model. A laughable job for an experienced dev/designer, but here we are, for some reason, still waiting for it.

My troll standing right next to a revantusk troll;


Females are the same, but male forest trolls are considerably bulkier and more muscular than male jungle trolls.

Forest trolls are leaner, more agile, and taller than orcs; but still significantly smaller than the tallest of trolls, the Zandalari and Drakkari.
Due to a mutation that took place many millennia ago, the forest trolls’ bodies can support plant life to a limited extent, considered by some to be a strong affinity for plant life. A thin layer of moss inevitably grows on the skin of forest trolls shortly after they are born and gives them their characteristic green coloring. Their bodies could also support other simple forms of vegetation, such as algae.
Some forest trolls have long, taloned fingers that are perfect for digging through rock and earth
Nothing really they couldn’t add if they would want to
Amani trolls would be a nice adition, lots of old school Hordies would love them to see

This is what male revantusk i.e. forest trolls look like.

And also green skin for Gnomes. Thank you

Imagine this with green skin, green beard and apple juice

I don’t want to rain on your parade, but leper Gnomes are the last thing Azeroth needs

Until we all have beards nothing else matters.

This pic has Undead beards as well and that looks pretty awesome too

I’m nut sure a dead body could grow a beard (Hair and fingernails may appear longer after death, but not because they are still growing. Instead, a persons fingernails and hair may appear longer because the skin around them has retracted) :thinking:
But they are zombies… they only need to tear someone’s off and sew the beard and skin to theirs

Undead Vrykul have beards.

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