Give us more demon customizations

I think Infernal as tanking pet was awesome for Affliction back in Legion and I hated when they took away, back to old boring Voidwalker, so maybe it would be nice to give us more skins, nice ones, we got some but not quite there.

The Voidcaller Skin is pretty ugly.
Why do they have the same shoulder armor like the Voidlord?
Voidcaller should have lanterns on their shoulders…

And the Terrorguard skin is still missing for our Doomguard.

Totally agree.
Legion brought a bunch of awesome Demons (Inquisitors, Spider Queen, Mothers of Imps…), Warlock could and should be able to enslave them permanently in the same way that Hunters tame their pets.

Same for the Unholy Death Knight who should be able to pick a buddy from all the undeads from Shadowland / Maldraxxus.


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