Give us the Gnome Paladins for real!


I know, this has never been a thing, and probably wont happen, gnomes as Paladins…

Well, if we think how many races has been introduced, many of them makes no sense, or not even close to the lore, A Gnome Paladin wont be such a big problem.

At least for some people, who loves Gnomes as a race and Paladins as a class (probably less than 1% of the population) can have some fun and create Perfection.

Blizzard, make it happen, costs you nothing :slight_smile:



Look, the fact that gnomes can be any plate class is a problem - don’t with to extend it.

Lore wise I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t work. The gnomes spent so much time in iron forge. So there was plenty of time for them to pick up the paladin tradition

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Nononono, lore wise gnomes are an afront to the light, no. Don’t let them be any plate class at all.

with abominations like tauren monks or troll paladins walking around, i dont think anyone cares about the lore anymore in this game, just let every race be every class at this point


Sir, no. Unironically, despite how fing atrocious they look, these have some sort of a “lore reason”. But yes, I do agree that we have too many class/race combinations.

Give us panda paladins plz!

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Gnomes initially were having no healers, probably because of their purely technological and intellectual affinity, and healing classes being more spiritual, so Priests and Monks were somewhat a mistake.

The real answer is: give us Gnome Demon Hunters.

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