I suggest a disarm mechanic. It’s my original idea so don’t steal it. But we get silenced 5 times in a row which means we literally can’t do anything. It’s either kicks or blanket silences. That’s enough time to be killed outright.
But then we deal with chain CC’s like blinds, multiple stuns, dazes etc… But we also have to contend with spell reflects, bubbles and other absorbs.
Specifically, Rogues are horrible to deal with as a warlock. Since affliction seems to be the only viable spec due to the instant & fast casts it means we can actually do some damage in the small windows of time between being trained by 4 melee at all times.
However, if I could disarm an opponent like a rogue, who will chain CC, vanish, run away, vanish, chain CC etc… and leave me without the ability to interact with my character whatsoever, MAYBE a 5 second disarm might give me chance to do something valuable.