Give Warriors Bloodlust / Heroism

Yes warriors are quite good dps wise and it’s not the hardest class to play, but we barely bring anything to m+ that already a Retri Pala doesn’t bring, and on top of that he has combat res and a lot of other utilities.

Giving bloodlust to warriors just makes sense fantasy wise. At least they will get a bit more utility for m+

My lower geared retri gets easier invited to m+ rather than my warrior with better ilvl. This is ridiculous how much warriors have been put aside at each expansion.


I agree, we are almost always the last spare tire to take

I have a lot of ideas :
Give battle shout , a buff … Bonus speed movement to all party and put a cd , so we help the party doing mythic content faster

Drums of War : only dps talent = BL

The war within will give some better talent option , but i dont feel so happy about them , to be relevant we need a big change not small.

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