Giving blood elves to Alliance was a terrible choice

If it keeps the high elf crowd from spamming the forum I will support it. Cope somewhere else.

Do you even know what headcanon means?

That was the joke, I made up my own meaning of Headconon (which is basically what headcanon is, you make your own lore to suit your own wishes for what the game means).

Blood elves were originally an Alliance race until they became too arrogant, started to eat a four finger kitkat wrong, put mayo on a fresh bacon sandwich also becoming addicted to magic kinda suited the whole bad guy persona so naturally they joined the evil horde. The Void Elves are just a better version of them and had every right in returning to the alliance.

Blood elves were never alliance. Anasterian left the team the moment the second war was over. And the void elves are nothing but filthy race traitors who would make the nation slaves to humanity just because the Windrunner sisters find their males hot.

I eagerly await Gnome Druids :+1:

I wait for Orc druids.