i want to add that, fury legendaries are total garbage too.
While I agree with the first point, the second one isn’t sound at all. Plenty of specs with garbage walls are great in PvP.
Hell, even retaliation is a bad wall, yet arms is strong, partly because it has other mitigation tools.
In BFA Arms was topping meters and had by far the best Execute in the game, in SL it’s at the bottom on single target and completely meh in M+, and its execute is far weaker than in BFA. Has nobody seen the ravager build? No mate, just every Arms Warrior that has done any sort of raiding at all. Obviously people know about the ravager spec, it’s the cookie cutter raid build that everyone is playing (and it’s not good in M+).
Check warcraftlogs, you’ve obviously not got much to go on by having done a couple of normal bosses and a M+2 on your DK.
I love this guy<3
ur high?!?!
Check his post history. I’m afraid it’s worse than that.
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