Giving Warrior a final chance

For 2 expansions now I have been wanting to play the Warrior. I love the fantasy and ability to collect nearly every type of weapon MOG, and on top of that the gameplay is fun.

And that’s a big but

For 2 expansions I have also heard things about the Warrior that scares me away from it and makes me go DK instead… :confused:

Every time I check online, Fury is seen as a “mediocre spec” that you play for any solo content, since it is the only Warrior spec that can heal itself during a fight.

Arms on the other hand is praised for it’s utility and PvP capabilities, and is often the “go-to PvP spec”… however the problem is that it ONLY works if you have a healer backing you up. As Arms your survivability is useless without a healer.

So here is my dilemma…

I love playing Fury, and I love PvP…
You see where this is going? :sweat_smile:

So if I want to PvP, Arms is first choice because it is considered top tier for PvP. However it relies on a healer… To me personally, specs that RELY on healers is something I avoid like the plague…

I can’t do BGs or WPvP with Arms unless I have a healer team mate constantly babysitting me…

So let’s take Fury then… Fury looks and feels amazing to play. But it is like having to “settle with the bad spec”… Basically if I wanna play my favorite spec in the PvP content I enjoy, I have to come to terms with always being considered a mediocre spec…

Am I wrong with how I see Warrior? :sweat_smile:

Once and for all, is Warrior a good choice in my case? If not then I will put Warrior to rest and just accept that Warrior is “a fun class that only works in team based content”, and that’s all it is.

And please no “play it if you like it” answers :sweat_smile: I’m well aware that Warrior is fun, but that’s not what I’m looking for here.


this is what exacly i feel also…

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And to further prove my point about Warrior lacking survivability…

I’m in the new Exiles Reach tutorial island with a fresh Warrior. Having played ALL classes (that could) through this zone except Warrior, I for the first time ever experienced not being able to solo the Killclaw the bear :confused:

I literally had to wait for another player to come by and assist me…

would suggest leveling first to level 60 :slight_smile:

I did main a Warrior at lvl 120 during BFA in the last patch hehe :slight_smile: and I have another lvl 60 Warrior in SL, although that one only just hit lvl 60.

Either way, all the issues I’m writing about seems to be a thing in all the online guides and tier lists.

99% of all SL beta warrior feedback is ignored by blizz. soooo guess what same issues still in game.

besides that. if you think you need to play fury to heal or in generel needing a heal / lacking healing as warrior. your on the wrong class. sure here and there a bit more sustain would be ok. but were rarly lacking it. second wind on many cases for example is broken. and use ur victory rush. (im only pve player)


I have never played Arms, just tested it on a few occasions in BFA :slight_smile: So I don’t know if my assessment of Arms is wrong.

I would only be stoked if it turns out I’m wrong abaout Arms and that it has plenty of self sustain for solo PvP and PvE hehe.

Well for PvE I’m well aware that you don’t die hehe :slight_smile: my frustrations are regarding PvP since Victory Rush is kinda useless there. But I’ll check out Second Wind since it looks interesting. I can see it being used in solo PvP in some scenarios, so I guess I’ll check it out and see how it feels.

I just had a conversation with a friend, and had the realization that Warrior might be more focused on a “damage reduction” playstyle, rather than a “self heal” playstyle like most other classes do… I can definitely work with that if that’s the case.

I am the opposite to yourself and have only ever played arms over fury and I have found myself in the last few days with the decision of either going Fury or a new class altogether. In my off and on periods of wow over the last 10 years I have only ever played warrior and it is bizarre to say that whilst the current state of arms is probably the most fun I have had since Wotlk, it just seems so underwhelming across the board.

In PvE the arms (and fury I believe) DPS is very sub par compared to most other dps classes and I am led to believe getting higher key groups in mythics to accept warriors can be a struggle as other than BS and Rallying Cry they really dont offer much. On the other hand arms sustain in Pve is half decent, It’s very rare in (low key) mythics I have done or torghast that I struggle as victory rush is so reliable along with the great damage mitigation of ignore pain being brought back and the ever reliable die by the sword.

PvP however is a different ball game. Offensively arms is incredible and so fun but it’s the story you have already heard, without proper healing from others your death is inevitable. I have no doubts if I had friends or guildies to play with and one being a healer then I would just roll BG’s and arena all day and love it but if your like me and largely play solo then warrior can be a rough ride. I personally think I’m going to roll something new, a DK or hunter maybe for now and hope that warriors get some love in the future that will bring me back to the class I love but I would never discourage you or anyone from playing it, as despite its issues with survival, despite being bottom of the dps rankings or despite how much people trash them on the forums, I still absolutely love the playstyle of arms warrior.

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Second Wind in PvP is only really useful if you can escape, I have had a few rogues think they are clever and blind so they can stealth though only for me to heal to full, but in a practical average situation it’s useless, just run it in epic bg’s to heal to full after leaping away or going wwhhhhffft round the corner.

Fury PvP has almost always been bad, it’s an extremely low priority for Blizzard, maybe you can have some fun in BG’s with leaper boots (6 leaps with talent) just being a speedy berserker, but it’s just not that useful other than ridiculous mobility, the self sustain is “ok” but thats it, an Arms Warrior with a healer in a BG is an unstoppable god.

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Arms isn’t very self reliant that’s the king and short of it. Victory rush is as good as it gets really.

However with okayish positioning I do fine in Rando BGs and have a blast. The damage is brilliant and you don’t feel to bad. Get caught 1v1 and I get squashed most of the time. Especially if they have any sort of heal but this shouldn’t be taken seriously as my I’m like 180ilvl and night Fae on my warrior.

My friend has a 220 something warrior and can competently crush a lot of other classes. Not all…but a fair amount.

Fury will likely see buffs as the expansion rolls out. So if you enjoy it stick with it.

The thing with warriors is they have a pretty high skill ceiling imo. A good warrior is easily distinguishable from an ‘okay’ or ‘bad’ one.

So put the effort in and relish in the fact that whenever you do beat someone you done it through an unrelenting barrage of swords/axes whatever your choice. No magic.

You may be ‘considered’ Mediocre but Fury can absolutely dominate when played well, they’re just under tuned atm. Imho stick with it, that way when the buffs eventually roll around you’ll be all the better player for it!


I rarley check up on things anymore, because of it putting doubt in my mind.

It was getting to the point where I didn’t want to play the game anymore because it was making me believe I was playing a broken game.

But since I’ve stopped listening and play what I want and how I want to play, I have so much more fun in game.


Pretty much the worst class in SL overall sadly. Hunter is terrible too but it has Marksmanship spec lol. DH has Vengeance, rogue has Outlaw, mages have Fire. Really the only class without a single good spec.


Truth, so frustrating that i cant do higher keys because nobody wants me.

Nobody wants you because low RIO score. Your real problem isn’t Warrior, even if you’re geared enough to be running 10-15 keys (and you are) group leaders won’t even look at you, because you lack experience. I’m not saying that’s entirely your fault, the addon makes it hard for people to play catchup and you’re stuck in the suck zone (7-9).

7-9 keys are full of bad/inexperienced players, they are harder than 10+ keys as a result. But you’re inexperienced too, you’ve not timed a single key in Theater of Pain, your best de other side is a +2 in time. It’s almost a certainty that you don’t know half the mechanics across the dungeons, and there is so much to learn there is absolutely no way you could without having ran the dungeons a lot of times.

You could easily get invited to a +6-7 DOS/Theater, which if you time would improve your score (and your chances of invites), you may be ilvl209 but your gear is much higher than your experience level in M+. You’re also playing a suboptimal Arms build (cleave?), and you’d probably benefit from playing Fury in M+, it’s more desired at this point.


If dont want to rely on a healer, arms is not for you, trust me, avoid it like you said.
Sometimes in bgs as fury you can survive if you have decent gear, but still you will be below other dps classes like rogues or rets, whom you better run away from.
So all in all, warriors are to avoid in certain areas on this expansion.

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still waiting on the second 2hander then il try fury again

Good move.

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A second? You’re a lucky one.

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atleast your better geared then me bro!

Fury has some severe design flaws that prevent it from excelling in PvP. They should be looked into, because honor talents alone can not compensate for them.

Let’s look at what makes fury bad:

  • The worst offender is probably the enrage mechanic. Effectively utilizing ‘Enrage’ requires consistent melee up-time. It has a very short duration, running out during most CCs and is often hard to get up again after one.
    Simultanously, it is furys most important mechanic for damage (+11% dmg dealt + mastery), up-time (+10% movement speed) and survivalbility (‘Warpaint’ talent -10% dmg received).

  • The second-worst offender is ‘Enraged Regeneration’ which is probably the weakest defensive CD in the game, again, requiring melee up time to use effectively, providing no immunity or parry/dodge (like ‘Die by the Sword’, ‘Evasion’ etc.) and being hard-countered by the latter, mortal wounds and dampening in arena. It also provides a measly 30% damage reduction and short 8 sec. duration.

  • The above weaknesses force you into 3 mandatory honor talents that will almost never be swapped out, preventing the use of utility honor talents arms warriors have access to without repercussions. Forsaking one of those talents as fury is immediately noticeable.

  1. Enduring Rage (100% required for defensive and offensive purposes)
  2. Blood Rage (often required for uptime)
  3. Battle Trance (often required for self-sustain)
  • The lack of a mortal wounds debuff. Wouldn’t be much of a deal if fury had other strengths. Sadly it doesn’t have any. This mainly restricts the comps fury can play in.

  • The recent and completely unnecessary reduction of ‘Bloodthirst’ self-heal. Going from 5% (talented) in Legion/BfA, to 3% heal per use in SL, seems like a minor nerf, but without the self-sustain ‘Bloodthirst’ provided in Legion/BfA, fury is even easier to kill than it already is.

Blizzard have to either buff Enraged Regen/Warpaint/the honor talents short-term or rework fury warrior as a whole long-term. Otherwise I don’t see it being playable.