- new interesting pvp site

It wasn’t really THAT much of a problem anymore, not since check-pvp came in Legion (was so annoying to check armory every time). But yes, this new site is kind of like an upgrade when comparing the functions of the two sites. The upvotes won’t mean anything though. Because 1. there’s no control over who does the voting so it’s susceptible to abuse that way (to present a false image of how you are as a player for example), and 2. such a “statistic” can’t really be interpreted accurately without knowing for how long the player has been pugging for, and how many pug games the player has done with different people.

So when comparing 1 guy with 10 games pugged in 3v3, all with different people, and all of them upvoted the guy on everything and we presume a person can only vote one time each and in all categories (it’s probably possible to bypass such a restriction though, so again, susceptible to abuse and tomfoolery), that guy would then have 20 upvotes in each of them.

Then compare it to a guy that has played 100 games of 3v3, each one with different pugs, and this guy would only get a fifth to upvote him on everything. He would also end up with 20 upvotes in everything.

Then compare it to a guy who played 1000 games of 3v3, but only with the same 2 people in the team. He would then only get 2 upvotes in all if both of them upvote him. And of course, this is again presuming all of that stuff about not abusing etc.

So the only way you can interpret the upvotes is that it happened that many times if you presume nobody abused it or did it for unrelated reasons. You can’t know if it’s rare for the person to get upvoted because you can’t know how many times that person swapped out the people he pugged with, and once several seasons of this has passed then it doesn’t look like you will be able to know how many games the guy has played beyond the current and past season (unless there’s some other criteria for another season to show the games played).

It doesn’t bring much use to have it in there that someone can get upvoted, it’s very susceptible to exploits, and at the end of the day no matter the circumstances, it doesn’t tell you anything of any real value about the person when you see how many times he has been upvoted (or lack thereof).

But yeah, great site otherwise.

But as long as people won’t attribute any value to the amount of upvotes, then it’ll be fine. It’s only a problem if people will start getting selective about who to play with depending on the amount of upvotes, because then it would actually become a real problem.

At least it isn’t as socially detrimental as the downvote option was. Be happy for that!