Glaives somehow not included in legendary transmog!

Hey there,

Since legendary transmog has made its way into cata classic I am very sad that illidans warglaives are somehow not transmoggable, it makes no sense to me why they should be left out.

Maybe it is because retail has a glaive weapon type and we just cannot access this?

Anyway I was quite sad to find out that I cannot transmog my glaives onto current weapons because the look is great.

I hope this is just a bug that gets fixed so we can enjoy having glaives on our back once again!

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I also hope they just forgot about it and will add it later. The whole wotlk expansion I was hoping cata will come out and I will be able to play with tmog glaives again.


I hope it can be hotfixed in the coming days. As a rogue player, it really means a lot. Shouldn’t be left out

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Yeah, very sad if 1 of the best looking legendary sets of the whole game is not able to be tmog’ed :frowning:

If its a bug please fix.

If its not a bug then atleast address why.

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How dare you?!

We all know its thunderfury…-_- :sweat_smile:

I really hope this is an oversight… me playing Cata was literally on if I could transmorg my glaives

In retail only dhs can mog the glaives id imagine that’s why it’s different in classic


Really hoping for this fix too … finally got first glaive and real sad cant use it as tmog

best looking weapons in the game and not tmoggable …

bump for attention
we need justice!

all the yellow hate through tbc
and now we cant even tmog glaives

bumping for attention

please fix this

Its really dissapointing they havent fixed such an easy thing already with this thread being more than 20 days old. How hard is changing a glaive weapon type to sword, unless both retail and classic are pulling from the exact same database changing this one notation should be no more than changing an item class.

You are asking for a fix, which means something is broken or bugged. Warglaives are neither bugged or broken. They were never meant to be moggable for non demon hunters which was also tied to an achievement during TBC Timewalking. I see where you are coming from but it never changed on retail and it probably never will in classic. If they did change this for classic players, retail players would probably want the same change which would be a huge yikes, meaning the demon hunter exclusive achievement after all these years would be worthless just because some classic players couldnt live without a pair of green mass of pixels on their back to flex in a 20 year old video game.

As a classic andy, i would say this change should never go through for the sake of retail players and for the love of god, stop implying that glaives are broken and they need to be fixed when they were never meant to be transmoggable for non demon hunters… You should be asking for a rework. They are not the same.

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I am asking for a fix. Considering they added a feature to classic which is transmogging legendaries, acting like glaives should only be moggable for a class that is not in the game is not a change. The change was already made by making legendaries moggable. Which should include glaives as their current weapon type is sword and not glaive.

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it would be good to know if they are even looking into this or not

I am here once again asking for a fix that should take a small amount of time compared to other bugs and clearly players are interested in. Please make glaives swords in the transmog tab and all is fixed.

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bumping this post

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You are missing the point. Retail and Classic are two separate games at this point. Classic does not follow the actual trail of the other expansions. Classic has been changed so much it’s almost different to the expansions it’s supposed to be. Either way, Classic wont even have DHs, so who cares if you can tmog it on a rogue? It will literally end in an year or two and nobody will care. What’s wrong with giving people the fun they’ve paid for? Not to mention the issue isn’t even that we can’t tmog the glaives, but rather that they’ve not said anything about it. They said “You can tmog legendaries” but didn’t specify which ones you can or cannot. So therefore they owe us an explanation why we cannot tmog the Warglaives currently and if they are working on a fix or it is intended.

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Glaives will stay untransmoggable, which is how it suppose to be

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but the game isnt the way its supposed to be

if that was the case we would be playing a game with absolutely no changes from the original

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