Glaives somehow not included in legendary transmog!

Hey there,

Since legendary transmog has made its way into cata classic I am very sad that illidans warglaives are somehow not transmoggable, it makes no sense to me why they should be left out.

Maybe it is because retail has a glaive weapon type and we just cannot access this?

Anyway I was quite sad to find out that I cannot transmog my glaives onto current weapons because the look is great.

I hope this is just a bug that gets fixed so we can enjoy having glaives on our back once again!

I also hope they just forgot about it and will add it later. The whole wotlk expansion I was hoping cata will come out and I will be able to play with tmog glaives again.


I hope it can be hotfixed in the coming days. As a rogue player, it really means a lot. Shouldn’t be left out

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Yeah, very sad if 1 of the best looking legendary sets of the whole game is not able to be tmog’ed :frowning:

If its a bug please fix.

If its not a bug then atleast address why.

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How dare you?!

We all know its thunderfury…-_- :sweat_smile:

I really hope this is an oversight… me playing Cata was literally on if I could transmorg my glaives

In retail only dhs can mog the glaives id imagine that’s why it’s different in classic

Really hoping for this fix too … finally got first glaive and real sad cant use it as tmog

best looking weapons in the game and not tmoggable …