Glamorous life of a healer in PvP

Did you see the prev evoker in awc? Worst healer by far, and a complete liability.

Eats cc non stop. Teams playing didn’t win a single game on one. What does that say.

I don’t care about AWC, and honestly, neither should you. It’s not something that should dictate how the game is balanced for the rest of us. When people reference AWC as a standard for balance, it only makes the problem worse. Why would we balance the game based on the top 0.03% of players? Sure, sometimes there are outliers—classes or specs that perform well across all brackets, like Rogue or Feral right now. And yes, AWC players might benefit from those long-standing meta picks. But balancing decisions should be based on a much larger pool of players, not just the elite few.

Take Unholy DK as a perfect example. It’s overpowered in Solo Shuffle because of its straightforward rotation and high pressure, combined with multiple ‘easy to use’ defensive options. Yet, you don’t see DKs in the AWC. This shows that what works for the top doesn’t always reflect what’s happening in the broader game.

As I’ve said before, I’m a regular 2k experience player with two kids and plenty of real-life responsibilities. I just want to come home, queue up for some Solo Shuffle, and enjoy the game. Right now, that’s simply not possible. The other game modes either take too long to queue, have issues with leavers, or are a mess in LFG—none of which is appealing for someone in my position.

It wouldn’t be difficult to give healers something special and unique to feel appreciated. Even small rewards or exclusive cosmetics could go a long way. And please, bring back that feeling from Season 1 of Dragonflight’s Solo Shuffle, where the game felt more balanced and accessible. Who cares if the Rank 1 players have 3.8k rating? At least we could play against people on our level, and the matches didn’t feel as punishing.

The game shouldn’t revolve around balancing for the top 0.03%, especially when the vast majority of us just want to log in and have a good time.


pres evoker is giga pumping heals in awc they just have some really bad match ups.Everyone is talking about disc being op but in the awc you can actually see how good other healers are.

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As healer the best way for climping wich is hard too pull off is being very consistent, good positioning avoiding cc and use all your cds in right order
You still will loose games where teammates drow, but that also happen o the enemy team
So with enaugh games this equal out an all that matters is you performes long term

No fancy playes needet, yerk it in the back and get an eye open when you can push in for cc or damage no need too force it


Yeah, every match up with a rogue or mage in…,…

Which is every match

Yeah, and it will stay that way, because of dumb people like that. Same with LoL, Dota and any other game that prevents influx of new players and learning.

I love the fact, that someone said pres is s++++++ tier and somehow just an chrono warden living flame nerf was enough for it to end up like this :smiley:

Just tells me most of forums ppl are dogs seeing other dogs barking at some stuff and they join it, instead of thinking for themself^^

Thats allways what so many ppl still dont understand. Evoker heal is pure hps, no dmg mitigation for his team, very vunrable to cc and swaps on it are very deadly and deactivates his mastery on his team.

Thats why this specc is such an offensive one, it has to dondmg to be compeditive and unlike disc, dealing dmg isnt for hps but a choice to deal damage for preassure

mage is better with hpal.

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