Glow on bars

Please Blizzard, make this go away, or at least give us an interface option to disable it. It is too much, I can’t concentrate in arena. As fire mage I can’t even tell when I have procs. Horrible design :frowning:


Yeah there should be option to switch to old ui bars/glows for sure.

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this please. Very annoying. And this casting line of spells…god damn it sux


Yep i and alot of others seem to hate them. Luckily while we wait and hope that Blizzard will give us an option to disable these new animations there’s an addon we can use that will hide them so the action bar buttons appear like they did before the patch. Using it myself and works great.


It goes away if you reload your ui.

Since it happens a lot after patch perhaps you should make a macro to click on when the icon start to flash until they fix it.

/reload ui

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