I recently started playing as a dh and is probably the most fun class in wow atm.
But… using Metamorphosis is uncomfortable to watch.
Can the blizz team add a glyph that does not turn us into that, please? Maybe just add some wings without the big deamon thingy?
It’s just a suggestion.
Thank you^^
later edit: it was sending the wrong message
Posting anything dh and metamorphosis related on a warlock character should be considered high treason.
it feels like it is :)) or maybe it’s just me.
a glyph would be nice though
Nice bait, look at your chars mog on ur head. and we know more than we want about you.
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“It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all” - stupid sexy demon hunter.
yes, sorry! i didn’t notice. omg
very lovely pants. Just that… a glyph would be nice to have too.
You get the glyph when warlocks gets their meta form back and you just stay in normal form as clown hunter.
If anything DH should get glyphs to change the metamorphosis based on the demon they ingested.
i want a glyph that doesnt show my mount when im flying.
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The irony is my DH has less on when out of Meta than in it 
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You know, Blizzard will remove those pictures and replace them with fruitbowls very soon.
I would love to see a fruit bowl wielding glaives 
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So instead of pants what would you prefer? Or you just don’t like the demonic form?
Having an option for the demonic form would be nice.
Something like wings(sry warlocks), some kind of aura like when using “blur” or a smaller demonic form - if possible.
Sounds awfully lot like dark apotheosis…
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yes, that gave me the ideea
Looks at demon Hunter.
God damn!!, Brb making female belf DH.
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A glyph to take the edge off the edgy class might even make me try it 
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