As the title says, Glyph of Stars has been out for a very long time without any changes while Glyph of Shadows has gone through many iterations. I like the current one the most, you can see your tmog and but you still get the shadows.
Could we get something similar for balance druid aswell? I would love to be able to see my tmog while playing balance - or atleast not be an almost completly transparent blue blob.
100% agree with this glyph of stars is horrendous and cheap to look at.
I love the new Boomkin forms, and it’s the whole reason why I actually gave Balance Druid a chance… but getting the option of seeing my character without a blue glow, would be amazing. Similar to when playing Resto.
I wanna get Blizz’s attention to this so they add it to their agenda… It wouldn’t be a huge effort on their part but it would be a really nice QoL change. Priests have asked for it for a long time and I’m happy for them to finally get a proper version, but now it’s our turn!