Glyph of the Cheetah not working

I have applied Glyph of the Cheetah and changed it in the Barber shop. On changing forms it shows the stag instead. I have changed travel form a couple of times and tried again, still the Cheetah doesn’t work, it defaults to stag.

Yes, that’s a common problem, there is a travel form and a mount form. The default mount form is always a stag, but your (land) travel form is also stag by default, but can be changed.

If you’re trying to use your travel form in an area with flying enabled, it will shift to your flight form. If you then press ‘mount form’ (the thingie with the stag icon) manually you’re not actually in your (land) travel form.

Old Dalaran barbershop is known to be very confusing for druids because flying is disabled, but if you press travel form, it will actually shapeshift into a stag form that is your ‘mount form’ but not your (land) travel form. Probably due to some old code or something… it’s very confusing because it only seems to apply to the cheetah, others work fine. Again, maybe because some old code used for cheetah or something.

If you go areas where flying is restricted, like trading post vendors in SW or BG, arenas, dungeons, etc, it should turn into a Cheetah. Give it a try.


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