Glyph Tab Disappears when i try to click on it!

As title says decided to level a worgen rogue today and when i go to open the glyph panel by clicking on the tab is just disappears , reloading UI brings it back, but it just happens again . I have tried disabling all addons and get the same result. Also tried on my other characters which did not have the issue at all ?! Is there any work around for this or am i stuck likw this till its hopefully fixed ?


Me too. Unable to use Glyphs on my Worgen Rogue but okay on all other characters.


Same here, it seems very random.

Some of my characters have a working glyph tab, some have a disappearing glyph tab and some don’t even have a glyph tab.

I’m hoping when the prepatch goes live this bug will get fixed…

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Is there a macro command for opening the Glyph tab ?

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Same here. My new mage char cannot access glyph tab. It even disappears when I click on it. Please help…

Edit: just write a ticket guys. I did it and blizz has resolved it in 15 minutes.

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still bugged…

Do you use level 25 and below character? Because yes the glyph tab will disappear when you haven’t unlocked any Glyph slots.

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That was the problem for me, thank you.

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