Gnolls & Kobolts,the future of Faction balance

Lol sure I can pass on the Harpies, bit like Ion I’m not that much of a lore girl, although im a sucker for some good cinematics. So I apologise I was not aware that harpies do that to their males heh. Flying Arakkoa sound fabulous to me. They do already exist as a moonkin form for ur lucky zandalari, but I so wish I could pick them as an actual race. I can already easily imagine all caster classes as Arrakkoa as well as rogues. Not too sure on the other melee classes though.

Lets be fair, who -doesn’t- love a good cinematic, and Blizz have really knocked it out of the park with a few of the BfA ones…
And not everyone has to be into lore, but what you’ll find, and I know this, because I -am- one, is that those people into lore, are -really- into lore :smiley:
Thats probably the LARP’er in me. “Game World must make sense! Else I smash and poke holes in it!”

The Zandalari moonkin form looks…interesting…I have unlocked it on my Zanda Druid, but it can’t actually fly, which is a moot point by that stage, as you already have Travel Form: Flying but you see what I mean.

I think Arrakoa would actually be a really good addition, I’ve loved Arrakoa ever since they were introduced in AD&D and thought “Oh, they sound cool” and then Blizzard added their own spin on them when they released WoW, with having their titles be Indian, and their weapon names be Indian, and it was like “They sound cool (Version 2)” and then seeing the flying ones in WoD and going “No, they don’t -sound- cool. They freaking -are- cool”.

Imagine an Arrakoa Hunter hurling a throwing Chakram like NPC’s do, and having it come back, like a Batarang! Or a Warrior one just using them as horrible bladed ‘brass knuckles’?

Brutal. Brutal and Awesome…

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Feel like there’d be a huge amount of Gnolls and not very many Kobolds sort of like mechagnomes ended up. WoW needs a scaled race, dragonkin, sethrakk, naga, something.

Also allowing them to be rolled horde wouldn’t really fix the faction imbalance, only players can fix that unless Blizzard decides to 1) remove merc mode 2) Make Alliance racials way too strong.

Problem there is the existing models. The Kobold models are utter trash. They don’t even look like what they’re meant to, and it would have been easy to do. Yes, Kobolds are literally just the Germanic word for Goblins, which is fine, We have two whole types of a race, that is built off a Fantasy creature that was a one off! That was Unique! (I mean Tauren in case everyone is wondering, there was only ever one Minotaur in legend).

We know that Kobolds are supposed to be Ratmen, we know that they do actually have a cultural fear of Darkness(Which is weird, given where they choose to live, but then, they were probably driven deeper underground) and that is why Candles are actually -Important- to them! Yes, it still sounds silly, the whole “You No Take Candle!” thing, but maybe it is no more or less silly than ripping the rosary beads from a Catholic, the Crucifix from a Christian, anything really, whatever is that culture’s inherent belief that saves them from ‘The Darkness’. I mean it is no less ridiculous than that, and actually inherently more sensible, given that a candle -literally- is something that when lit and preserved, staves off the darkness. It actually makes more logical sense than many real world religious fetishes and items of faith.
Kobolds could have looked cool, if Blizz had put the effort in, instead we get these weird muttonchopped things that have heads that their bodies could not support. Just do them like they should be! They’re Ratfolk for goodness sake! So make them look like them! It’s not hard! Make them look like Skaven, and if Games Worshop kick off about them looking like Ratmen, just tell them to jog on, and ask for their sources as to where that concept came from, and when they have to say, “Well, actually it was Advanced Dungeons and Dragons” you go “Fine, take it up with them then, because they seem pretty fine with us actually using Arrakoa, which -Were- an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons creation.” and if -They- Kick off, you go “Well go and take it up with Japan, as in the country. That is where the concept came from of the grounded Arrakoa, and the Arabian nations with the flying ones, Whilst we’re at it, you might want to talk to India about Naga, and the British Isles and Scandinavia when it comes to Elves and Dwarves”

You can’t trademark something that existed before you as a corporate entity did (Apple tried…didn’t work out so well for them)

So why not make Kobolds look like the subterranean fierce Ratmen that they’re supposed to be in Warcraft! Rather than a cross between a tailed terrier, Macrocephalic person, with the mutton chops of a Welsh Colour Sergeant Major in the 1800’s, teeth that don’t even work, that are in a mouth that would actually mean if they opened it, the top half of their head would probably actually fall off!


I do agree that Alliance need a strong race, if new races are to be introduced, by strong I mean in identity, not in racials.

Giving Alliance racials a boost to make them far too strong would be a step backwards, because then those buffoons who belittle the Alliance playerbase would actually have just cause, and many others would start begrudgingly agreeing. I certainly know, that If Alliance racials were boosted, I would feel -less- inclined to play on my Alliance characters, knowing that they were the ‘Pity’ Faction, and I don’t need to feel pitied when playing a game. It would seal the deal, it would make the situation worse, because every time you got some muppet Horde only player mocking the Alliance, they would have facts on their side which they could point at. “You’re the Weakling faction! And here is the proof!”

Thats not going to help faction Pride in the Alliance…that would be hammering home the last few nails in the coffin.

Some sort of cool race. Arrakoa would be good, Dragonkin make no sense for either faction, Sethrakk -could- work for Alliance, with some lore tinkering, Naga most certainly not. Naga, and Kaldorei in the same faction, when traditionally their only Alliance was with the Blood Elves?

No, makes no sense.
Tortollans would work, Tuskarr would work, There is a lot of untapped potential, Jinyu, Ankoan.

There is a lot that could be thrown open there, which might be appealing. I mean heck, I would play a winged Arrakoa, or a Tuskarr, a Jinyu-or Ankoan (They’re a bit similar) I would totally play a Sethrakk. But then I actually have more Alliance characters than Horde ones…

They’d need to make them something…new…

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Gnolls, kobolds, ogres, forest and ice trolls, drogbar, etc. Maybe they could be a third faction :slightly_smiling_face:

yea like beastmen in warhammer.

Weird that you say that, because I recall reading that before they went with the whole WoD thing, Garrosh was going to form a ‘Mongrel Horde’ as his army after being deposed, which would indeed have been comprised of the races that Nazartrix describes, with the exception of Drogbar, as, well, they didn’t exist in game yet. Or maybe they would have been in it, who knows, they could have been ‘discovered’ earlier. But yeah, the Mongrel Horde were to be a ‘third’ faction, but not playable, in much the same way as what they -did- go with, the Iron Horde, was a faction but not playable.

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