Gnome Appreciation Thread

No matter how hard I tried, I could not find myself a better paperweight!


How do you get the Gnome to sit still?

Gnomes are the best footballs in Azeroth, change my mind.

You cut his head off?

Edit: Nevermind, they start running around like headless chickens.



Nice way of sneaking in someone to cover for you on bring your kid to work day.

I’m a gnome… really I am! Look into my eyes…

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I think the new options in shadowlands have redeemed gnomes somewhat

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Yeah yeah good joke guys

We are still the best race in the game! And you know it!


He says while being hidden by his sword.


How dare you i am a she :frowning:


Sorry I can’t tell because there’s a sword in the way.


Hmmm… a Vulpera! Now that’s an interesting choice for a paperweight… :thinking:

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I don’t need to, your local healer will whilst tutting “What were you doing trying to punt something that size and body mass? Of -course- you were going to break your ankle/foot/lower shins. You can’t do that! No one can! The only races with possibly the leg strength to do so have knees that work in reverse so can’t do it either” They then go to play “Healer Bingo” “What you got this time? Someone stood in the Fire? No, another one who tried to use a Gnome as a football” “oof” “Yeah, I bet thats what they said when they kicked them”

Ah yes, gnomes :blush: I used to have a gnome warlock. Then I race changed her to void elf. Then I deleted her, because I have a full accounted :frowning: and I needed another blood elf paladin. Blood elf master race :face_with_monocle:

nah, blood elves are too big for a paperweight.

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How be da weather down der gnomewomon?

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“You wake up to the sounds of screaming, and sirens, terrified soldiers are running up from below, turning to fire their guns into howling darkness with a black lit grin, all glowing eyes and claws and fangs, “Run!” they say “Run Away! RUN AWAY!” their voices less and less as the horrors from the dark, the Deep Black, carry them off one by one, you can just hear the voices screaming as they carry on firing “Oh Light, they got the Sarge, they got the Sarge Man, what we gonna do?” Then a frenetic female Gnome saying “Let’s ROCK!” and gunfire ripping through the sector, what can you do, you chuck clothes on, you grab what is close and you do what the soldiers say, you run…

Thankfully there is a city broadcast “We have assessed the situation, and are employing countermeasures, a gas will be released that will destroy the invasion from Deepholm, remain calm, but take precautions, it will take some minutes to filter through the city levels.”

Light be Praised, at least -someone- has a plan for this chaos!

But they don’t….

The sounds of industry from the levels above, the continual thrum, like the heartbeat of Gnomeregan starts to fade, and the gas….starts to reach your level, you watch in horror as one GCO Trooper turns with a glistening greenish tint to her face and stabs her Lieutenant.

That was enough, everything was going crazy, you run through the level, grabbing up an abandoned rifle, behind you only GCO and SAFE troopers holding the line, their panicked voices getting fainter and fainter, was it the distance you were putting between you and them, or was it that they were getting fewer and fewer, as these horrors from the Deep Black, the Troggs, were overrunning them?

You didn’t stop to check.

You met others, like you, refugees in their own city, surely the plan must be working……you ran together,

Then the screaming started and echoed down. “What’s going on?” you all asked, “What’s happening?” “We just have to get UP!” someone shouted, and that became the idea, but…then things got complicated…

Behind you, you could hear Gnomish armed forces fighting a desperate rearguard action against the Troggs, and… their own former comrades….

Then the Lights went out…

Emergency lighting flicked on after a few moments of panic, but everything was hued red, and the screaming above had…died down a little…what was going on up there?

From behind you the hoarse shouts of the few GCO and SAFE troopers “Run Away, RUN AWAY!” and the sporadic gunfire and screams as more and more were taken.

But then, there was screaming above, and then worse…a dreadful silence as you ascended levels, and then worse yet, as a dread Thud went through the very floor.

“Oh no” said one of the older Gnomes…”No one is tending the radiation engines, that’s what it sounds like when one goes”

You heard it twenty more times till you got to the main habitation levels, It was carnage. Gnome fighting Gnome, rabidly, furiously, with whatever weapon came to hand, and still those screams, less and less from behind you “Get Away! GET AWAY!”, and then the counter in the old Gnome who had worked in the reactors started ratcheting up. “We’re going to get sick, we have to move quickly!” Some ran to look for friends and family, and were never seen again.

‘Crazies’ came out of every doorway, their skin glistening with the gas induced plague tha their -own- Government had released on them, with murder in their eyes. You had to kill a few, perhaps even family, Hastily deployed troops in scary masks and sealed suits beckoned you on “Come on! Come on!”

Behind you there are screams as a reactor overloads and atomises some survivors, scattering its poison over those still fleeing.

You make it to the lift, which miraculously is still working and heave yourself gasping to the surface”

Yeah, so thats the Comedy Gnome Race, right?


Gnomes deserve to be immortalised… in stone and put into gardens to scare away birds.