And? Lots of better racials for healers and casters are out there. Like VE.
But not for classic ^^
Who cares about classic XD
Um the mastery players does?
Insert GotG “who?” meme.
Yes! YES INDEED! Gnomes ARE worth appreciating. Here’s why:
I traveled through the South Sea, the Maelstrom, Kul Tiras, heck, even the Forbidden Sea, trying to find a worthy paperweight. One that would be heavy enough to hold my papers against the four winds, but also one that would release them on demand without effort from my side. It was all in vain! Until I had an idea, that changed everything: Gnomes. That is when I finally found a use for the race of Gnomes, the most insufferable, otherwise, of all.
The Horde Recipe For Appreciating a Gnome
fatten a Gnome up on soft fruit and corn
gut the gnome and marinade in honey, ale and herbs
roast on a spit over a steady camp fire, turning slowly for 3 hours
leave to rest for 20 mins, dismember, carve and serve with seasonal greens
the best way to appreciate a Gnome
So much racism in here gnomes are people too.
I imagine it now, Garrosh is coming back for the next expansion. Just to take revenge on the gnomes.
No garrosh had honor and i’m sure he’d see the gnomes have their uses.
Ain’tcha right on the money, friend. There’s plenty of small folks about! I guess some of them don’t like being felled by us short ones, ya know?
Well i treat everyone with the respect they deserve and i don’t think less of goblins or of gnomes just because they’re short.
Try telling that to most of them tall folks, they’re always looking down on us, even when we’re trying to conduct… business. Shesh.
Well if i were a faction leader i’d make racism illigal and small shaming aswell.
I think you misspelt ‘Tickle a Kobold from orbit’
Gnomes by the way are absolutely awesome, have the bleakest backstory, alright, maybe tied with Blood Elves, but Gnomes backstory makes Lordaeron look like a theme park, yet you get all these humans whinging about the fall of The North!
They don’t mean ‘The North’, they kind of mean like…‘just above the Midlands’. Quel’thalas is the North.
Gnomes are the ultimate survivor types, like MacGuyver crossed with Snake Plissken.
Yes they are.
None of that made any sence.
I think Gnomes are amazing… side dishes.