Gnome apriciation thread

Gnomes have their uses. I can wipe my behind with one if I run out of toilet paper.

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But… but your a vulpera, you are basically the same high.

My hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

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Hey atleast your honest about it.

I so want to give you a hard time now for your spelling and grammar mistakes! Just to prove that gnomes have a superior intellect. But… We also have compassion and honor. So I’m going to let this one slide.

Let that be a lesson to you. You owe your dignity to a gnome!
Sure, not just ANY gnome. A gnome that also happens to be the best hunter in the world, but that’s neither here nor there.

Go ahead, I’m doing this from my phone soo I can’t really be bothered with proper grammar nor spelling.

I owe nothing to no one.

Rogerbrown ?

No no. I already said I wouldn’t.
And a gnome’s word is their bond.

Indeed: You owe something to someone.
It’s fine. I won’t keep reminding you.

Whut? No idea who that’s supposed to be.

Crap, defeated by a double negative. Let me repay my dept by making you a drink.

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If Gnomes were any good shouldn’t they have been able to keep hold of their home city?

All Blizzard’s fault. Stupid humans!

I liked you more when you were a human.

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Salutations Türiel, its sad to only see a gnome appreciation thread when i quit the game… But yeah great idea i am all up for gnome party’s and appreciation threads.
HOORAY FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE!!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

I agree dwarves are awesome.


Thank you, I am happy you agree with me and with the fact that gnomes are awesome :wink:

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Oh I can agree with that as well, they are awesome footballs. Really great for punting…
You know what, no. You deserve a better troll attempt than this. I am sorry I will put more effort into it this time.

Such wonderful words couldn’t have said it better myself, they bring a tear to my eye.

Haha nice one I did not even know it was possible to deep fake someone else XD

Yeah just erase whatever they said in between the “[/quote]” and do whatever.

"Knowing is half the battle

Oh god its a human child, keep it away from me before it drools all over my robes.

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Tahra’s a human.