Gnome apriciation thread

Gnome power!


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why does peoples play gnomes ? :stuck_out_tongue:

your hands and imagination dosen’t count


i am a ugly gnome

Gnomes should be used as football balls!

Only if you want to break your shin! The only races strong enough would -possibly-be Tauren and Draenei, both of whose knees are backwards, so would be unable to punt them anyway! (Though they’d probably have a mean back kick or roundhouse kick on them!)

Any1 know the difference between gnomes and every other race?
Other races have genomes.
Gnomes have g-nomes…
… ok, i’ll leave :frowning:


Then both draeneis and tauren should be allowed to one shot gnomes in pvp through a brand new racial, ie : stomp!

Brutal! I mean, to be fair, if you’ve got a hooved Aberdeen Angus jumping on your head then you’re pretty much brown bread anyway :smiley:

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lets eveyone make a gnome and do x-mas parade :stuck_out_tongue:
sanatas helper parade

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