Gnome Paladin, When?

I also agree with that.

we are talking about other RPGs. WoW had class restrictions that tbh, makes a bit sense to have. immagine having a worgen shaman, it dosen’t make much sense. i wish some classes remain restricted to races.

I mean, why couldn’t a worgen learn to become a shaman. None of the WoW classes actually have hard restrictions unlike something like say…mages in Dragon Age. In theory, anyone could learn to be any class if they put their mind to it in Warcraft. The class restrictions as they are, are often either cultural, or nonsensical. As long as they don’t flood NPC pool with culturally unorthodox race/class combinations, I don’t see a problem with it personally. After all, adventurers are realistically weird as hell, and only a fraction of the population.

oh forgot gnome shaman :rofl:

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