Go back to mcdonalds

seriously,go back to mcdonalds,this is no place for you.

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i will not

Tbh - McDonalds has an incredible high standard when it comes to service. This night doesn’t feel like it :smiley:


It;s not good for you

I now want chicken nuggets.


I fancy a McDonalds actually. Like their Big Tasty!


McCrispy mmmm

im eating mcfish the uber guy was faster than the boat.

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Took me 4 attempts, but using the portal got me there eventually - poor launch night, even SL wasnt this bad

well in mc donalds i get quality service what i pay for, cant say im treated right atm by activision blizzard

here say world server down,cant even login,i did once,reseted my ui and deleted my profiles,but now cant even log in,well at least i just ate a mcfish and drinking my coca cola :smiley:

this company is 0 for me.

Sigh… you want fast food, you’ll get fast food!

Next request in the food thread pls, tyvm :yum:

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I dont care if its bad for my health,it tastes soooo good!

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