Go from Dark to Light During The October Trading Post

At least the Ugly Black Boots are correctly named.

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This is how they do it now. When it started the completion reward was objectively the coolest reward. Now they make people play for the best stuff.

Knowing Activision, it’s probably going straight to the shop.

Yeah, bit baffling why it isn’t bonus reward again, or put on the vendor.

In my opinion the monthly reward should be A CHOICE from one of the “big ticket” items of that month. Mount, pet, or tmog set.
So every month you can at least buy 2/3 of the big ticket items. I don’t mind not being able to afford everything on the Trading Post every month but when the fill the bar reward is lame for me it feels wasted.


Ah, October, the month of the Halloween! I am sure Blizzard is preparing for us a modernized version of the Headless Horseman mount! and maybe some Scarlet Crusade related stuff!! Oh gee I am so hyped … uh … wait, what is this, a recolored trash mount from the most hated expansion ever?!

Here is my analysis. The harvest golem set is cool, but specific. The rest is garbage.


Someone already pointed out that the Harvest Golem transmog is right there and would be a perfect completion reward for October.
At this point we have to remove our heads from the sand and accept the fact that Blizzard wants you to spend all your tender so you’re forced into buying it from the shop with cash. It’s honestly so gross that they are doing this. And the nerve of telling you to “mind your tender”, that’s shady backhanded behavior right there.

I will probably prio the mount, leaving me very little in tendies to spend on the rest.

why is no one saving tendies, they specifically requested it. next you’ll tell em you dont have a good time

Another rather disappointing month honestly… the harvest golem set looks cool but it has really bad clipping issues on Dwarves/Earthen.

And this bow looks really good in theory, but why is it so low-res? My character’s toenails have better textures than that thing.

I think I will finally buy the Goblin mount and freeze the golem set for later.


It’s just a recolour of a TBC bow. Best BE bow in the game imo; used to use it on my BE hunter until I made it all dark rangery and the bow no longer fit, so I’m really glad there now is a black version that does. But yeah, I can totally understand the complaint about it looking as old as it is, recolour or not.

is the hand mount flying?

No, sadge.

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Why would I need to save up?
I have zero interest in those class mini-sets. I already have the hunter one and even though I’ll be able to wear the shaman and evoker ones next month; both of those are very ugly imo and I won’t get them. Mail armor needs to go away, honestly.

I thought it was from that era, but a slight texture update shouldn’t take too much time… if you release it again. Oh well…


I usually go for ranged weapons, but these two are really way too ugly. Not bothering with that.

no. unfortunately not

Will class restrictions be removed from the Pandaria Remix transmogs as well? Those were recolors of the same item sets.

The Trading post allowed me to purchase the jellyfish mount with tender. Then noticed it was the monthly reward. But no option to refund. Anything I can do to get the 600 Tender back?

Each month I can’t find anything to spend tender on. I bought 200-250 tender worth of things randomly because whatever you offer is always bad recently.

I would expect some good stuff to buy because of new expansion but you never give anything cool to buy.

Also you made Valarjar sword smaller after we bought it because it was a huge sword, you nerf and turn what we like to trash as well. I wonder what is the point of this, I have almost 14000 tender still waiting something to buy.