[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

It’s that time again.
The Bilgewater Cartel’s “finest” found themselves on yet another mad excursion. This time, to the very deepest reaches of the ocean that the living (or unliving for that matter) can survive in without being crushed. Ancient secrets from before the days of the Sundering and beyond to be uncovered.

But… The ocean does not release it’s secrets willingly.



An acquaintance of an old friend paid us a visit!

Of course what this means is, a murderous lunatic whom the Cartel delivered to prison in the past, was set loose, and one of his old associates came to seek our help in finding and neutralizing the man. Self-designating as ‘the Artist’, the maddened Forsaken withdrew into the eerie, derelict husk of what was once mighty Lordaeron, and waited patiently for the Cartel to come for him.
Which we did! But the path wasn’t exactly clear, or without its perils; the Artist called himself such for a reason, and many of his “masterpieces” stood in our way.


(Image credits go to Gridcog and his mad Narcissus skillz)


“Wander, roam, bring me home, down paths at my behest…”

The Cartel’s been reached out to, by a member of the lesser known but nonetheless profound Gravedigger Caravan, to aid in a search for one of their own clients.

The Gravediggers, making their business by taking care of Wailing Bones for those vulpera who cannot do it themselves, paid quite handsomely for this escort-and-protect service of searching Kalimdor for the seemingly missing caravan of their clients. The bones, themselves - ritualistic items of vulpera tradition, meant to guide their holder to the final resting place of the deceased - possess high sentimental and spiritual value… giving a fair chance to the Cartel’s own vulpera members to return to their roots, at least for the time being, whilst searching for them.
Naturally, things aren’t ever simple on Azeroth, and the Bilgewater Cartel found themselves on a trek quite longer and more perilous than they thought; running into spirits of the dead, magical visions in derelict Alliance ruins, and the spawn of a dangerous dragon brood.

Surely, things can only go smoother from here. …Right?

“Among the stones, lay down my bones, so I, at last, may rest.”


After taking a break from our thrilling contract searching for a missing Vulpera Caravan to enjoy a wild Hallows End party which ended with the customary burning of the wickerman, the Bilgewaters are back on the case tonight as we continue our search from Mudsprocket.

We’re always recruiting and even if you want to just dip your toes into some more Goblin themed Horde RP we’re always happy to give you some directions and plot hooks to get you into the swing of things. Uncle Bedlam wants everyone!


We’ve had a wild week, from finding out a mysterious monster in the mountains of Winterspring was in fact a comrade we thought had fallen in Hillsbrad to getting mixed up in a bank robbery in Gadgetzan and, of course, focusing on getting OUR money out of there.

We have opportunities whether you’re a profiteer who wants to make big money through wild schemes, a mad scientist, engineer, mercenary, you name it. If you don’t mind working for a Cartel with questionable morality, we want you!


Last night the Cartel travelled to the hidden base of a recently captured foe, who they had to bring with them to open a special lock that held behind it the possible means of saving an old co-worker from a life as a murderous puppet.

The base in question was an eerie, abandoned tourist attraction, populated by creepy, lifelike mechs wearing realistic skin suits. (hopefully fake skin)

The night ramped up into an appropriately explosive climax, with an avalanche burying dozens of mechanically “improved” Forsaken and a showdown atop a frigid mountain top.



Cartel’s been busy these past days as well - we’ve been on a number of exotic assignments… some for money, and some others… also for money, but some personal enlightenment was found, too, on the way.

Oh right, we also played some tabletop roleplay on our off-day, led by a robot chicken.
Fun times to be had!

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The Cartel continues it’s efforts to make moolah.

Last night, following a harebrained plan cooked up by Foreman Gridcog, a selection of the Cartel’s forces made their way to the Southern Barrens, into the dense and magically saturated jungle known as the Overgrowth, which sprouted after the events of the Cataclysm.

The Foreman has formed a wild scheme to set up a lumber operation in the Overgrowth, making use of the jungles insane growth rate to create a sustainable source of lumber to alleviate the struggles that the lumber operations in Ashenvale face often.

However… The Overgrowth is home to many dangerous creatures. And perhaps, possible allies? It will not be easy.


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Continuation from previous post:

The Cartel’s initial venture into the Overgrowth was a success.
Foreman Gridcog’s plan to tap into the jungle as a source of lumber is well under way.
The Cartel made contact with the hostile Quilboar tribe known as the Bristleback tribe that live on the edge of the Overgrowth and though the conversation was initially rough and teetered on the edge of turning into combat, with a before hand prepared gift of a prize winning boar, the conversation became easier.

The Bilgewater Cartel managed to get on the Quilboar tribes “good side” by driving off a mysterious “GREEN MAN” that had invaded the tribe’s land and turned some of their members, including the Chieftain into shambling, half-plant, half-Quilboar abominations.

With the improved relations and the Quilboar’s territory protected, Foreman Gridcog took the opportunity to form a trade deal with the tribe, who would use their powerful druidic magics to create lumber for the Cartel (and the Horde) in exchange for much needed supplies. It’ll remain to be seen how this un-orthodox relationship will shape out.


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In preparation for an upcoming high-hazard venture, members of the Cartel teamed up with the shal’dorei of the Eternal Sisterhood, and the vulpera of the Dustpaw Caravan, taking to Winterspring for some cold weather training in mind.

What they did NOT expect, was to find devotees of the Frost Lord Ahune riling up nature there; and after plentiful interruptions from these zealots during their training activities, the group decided to retaliate, clearing out cultist activity for good.

With luck, this was the last time this group of fanatics was heard of… and hopefully, these three days will prove to have been sufficient groundwork for what is to come.

The loveliest band of people with mechs and automobiles that I’ve encountered in game!


I can’t believe they didn’t bully the pirate for telling me to be quiet when I told them to. I’m literally going to sue.

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Cool people to fight even cooler cultists with! It was ice to meet you!

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Go find a long-dead pirate’s treasure, they said. It will be lucrative, they said…

Well, it was. After many, many trials and tribulations, the Cartel found the island upon which a deceased dread captain’s worldly wealth was said to be buried.
After attempted ambush by a mind-controlled crew of pirates, hiding inside a battered ship and falling through the very surface of Azeroth into cavernous depths below, the mouth-watering treasure of a bygone seafarer was theirs for the taking! Quite the bonus payout for a little expedition!

…The powerful warlock attempting to seize it from them was merely a bonus.

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Last night, the Cartel were employed for a simple mission of finding a missing caravan which was transporting goods meant to arrive at Orgrimmar, but which went missing after leaving the Crossroads. The payment promised was lucrative enough and beat an evening of patrolling and paperwork, so the job was accepted.

The cause for the caravan’s disappearance turned out to be the Razormane Quilboar, the never ending menace to all cargo transports that have to pass through the Northern Barrens region.

The Cartel followed a breadcrumb trail of crates containing questionable trade goods deep into the Razormane territory and eventually engaged the Chief of the raiders in battle.
The battle was fierce, but the Cartel pulled through. And furthermore, the severed head of the Chief just so happened to be exactly what Foreman Gridcog needed to improve relations with another tribe of Quilboar on the other end of the Barrens, for his own purposes.


All in all, it turned out to be a rather successful evening for the Bilgewater Cartel.

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As of yesterday night, the Cartel’s camping in Northrend for an impending campaign set to take up the week following this one!
We’ll be homeward bound on the week after next, but I’m sure nothing will go wrong until then!

And side by side we marched to loot everything into battle! Thx for the start yesterday!


I had to drop out early because I needed to wake up early for work, but I enjoyed the initial clash with the Kvaldir I got to take part in. Got stuck in combat with a very fun foe. Almost trashed the shredder yours truly piloted.


The Bilgewater Cartel has returned from Northrend, mostly intact.
Before allowing another insane adventure to sweep them away, the Cartel took the initiative and bailed to go take a well earned vacation at the Feralas Steampool resort.
Surely nothing bad could ever happen at a spa resort. SURELY.


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Just as the Cartel got back from their Winters Veil vacation, they were called upon for help with a mining operation in Vol’dun.
Unfortunately, it didn’t go as smooth as planned - an old acquaintance in the form of a death-loving sethrak appeared to ruin the party… and was promptly chased off after a fight.
Surely, this was the last we’ve seen of her…?

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