[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Before the year turns, the Cartel quickly squeezed in a few exciting missions.

Firstly, an imposter attempted to wrest control of our unit, with lies and deceit, only to be found out right away - but in turn, a trail was found to a town of goblins requiring our protective services!
In a tough battle where armed thugs besieged the town, the Bilgewater Boys-and-Girls came out the victors, but not without great losses, nor a mystery as to the reason of this attack.
All’s well that ends well, though, we secured ourselves a steady booze supply chain!

No doubt 2022 will hold just as much excitement - and even though we’ll take a few days’ break to enjoy the turnover, we’ll be back at it right afterwards!

Happy New Year; for profit, and beachfront property!


I am listening


Literally paid for in blood.
Here’s to you Bix. :beer:

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A small thread bump in this New years lull about recent happenings.

The first shipments from the Cartel’s new booze suppliers as well as the Azerite mining operation have arrived at Bilgewater Harbor. Both shipments are celebration worthy, but to the research and engineering minded personnel, the fresh supply of Azerite was much more enticing. Especially for Foreman Gridcog, who hasn’t had the chance to use raw Azerite for his own work before this opportunity fell in his lap.


The new year already looks promising for the Cartel’s bottom line.

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Always nice doing business with ya!

Truly was fun visiting the harbour and investigating together. Who knows…maybe the evil doer will bring us together once again… 3:)


Last night, The Bilgewater Cartel ventured out to hunt down the base of a criminal organization that has been getting a little too big for their britches for the Cartel’s liking. Threatening a potentially profitable trade agreement with an up and coming (and definitely not shady) township of hardworking, upstanding citizens, who are not crooks, for sure.

The Cartel doesn’t take kindly to being taken lightly and wants to get even. And last night, the combined gaggle of Bilgewater’s best and brightest descended on an auxiliary base of the gang, leveling the place and uncovering that they have not been dealing with just one gang of goons, but also a hostile Vulpera caravan that has a bone to pick with the Cartel.

The Cartel managed to defeat the gang and their mysterious Vulpera allies and discovered links to some old enemies in the hideouts records as well as a possible hint at another base which holds some heavy artillery. The plot thickens.


I heard you guys like alchemy.

Wanna mix and match a few events and create something amazing that we can use on our enemies?

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We’ll definitely keep it in mind!
Our science gang may or may not have a few horribly unethical (and very effective) ideas!

Last night, the Cartel continued their business ventures in a major way. And improved relations with a new trading partner while they were at it.

After a month of careful tending and management, an experimental lumber production operation located in the Overgrowth of the Southern Barrens bore it’s first harvest. A risky co-operative effort between the Cartel and a small branch of the Bristleback Quilboar, who are known for their druidic magics, used for growing massive, thorny roots in their territories. Thornweaving.

The Cartel would provide the tribe basic necessities and even some luxury items like liquor if asked to, and in return, the Thornweavers of the Bristleback would use the bursting life force of the Overgrowth to produce tons of renewable lumber for the Cartel, to bolster the wood supplies in the Horde’s barren regions.

While Foreman Gridcog concentrated on harvesting the first batch of lumber, the rest of the Cartel accompanied the Chief-to-be of the tribe, Tuskripper Junior, on a hunt for a worthy trophy that would cement the young Quilboar as the new Chief of his branch tribe. What followed was a bloody path, carved through the Kolkar centaur’s territory and the subsequent slaughter of one of their leaders and his most loyal cohorts.

All in all, it was a very profitable night for the Bilgewater Cartel.
They harvested several tons of fresh lumber and gained an ally within the Bristleback in the form of the newly ascended Chief Tuskripper, son of Tuskripper.

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If you heard an explosion coming from Bilgewater Harbor just now, and saw a sapper going up in flames like fireworks

No you didn’t

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I in fact didn’t :]

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Okay, I may have been lying, that sapper explosion did indeed happen; an unorthodox and kind of shocking lure for an otherworldly being whose help we employed in ferrying us to realms unknown!

The Cartel of course did this not without good reason - we went in pursuit of profit, and to do away with a lich who has been a thorn in our side for a good while.
Having help from the winged denizens of this strange, new, gilded plane (especially so from one of their feathered, selfless assistants), we gained knowledge and goods aplenty, and capped things off by erasing one more megalomaniacal skeletal necromancer from existence.

And while the gains were great, so were the losses - and there’s no shortage of ominous threats to contend with, still.

The Cartel just can’t catch a break.

A few days ago, there was an “incident” in the Cartel’s underground R&D facilities, during which a dangerous virus which mutates living organisms into rampaging, malformed monsters broke loose from containment and turned the laboratories into a scene straight from a nightmare.

The Cartel sent out a rescue team to contain the outbreak. After initial contact with a mutated labworker, the Cartel operatives ran into a towering monstrosity that seemed to have enough of its faculties left to remember its burning hatred for the Bilgewater Battalion. Though the Cartel managed to drive off the monster momentarily, the creature had a freakish ability to regenerate physical damage in mere moments and before long, returned with a vengeance, forcing the Cartel to retreat into a safe room which was equipped with heavy blast doors that could keep the creature out for a time.

However, the next day, the creature returned. Armed with a rocket launcher which it used to blast the doors down. The decisive life or death battle with the monster took place within the laboratory as the Cartel fought for their lives, using every trick they could think of to push back the monster.

And somehow… They won. The monster was forced into a disposal chamber for experiments that housed ravenous slimes, which were able to destroy the freakish monster, despite its regenerative abilities.

The outbreak has been contained… For now.



After a few days or relative quiet, and average harbor patrols, the Cartel’s got a lead of a vulpera gang they’re been having some problems with.

Allegedly searching for a mysterious helm, said caravan ventured into a deep cavern that the brave goblins-and-other of Bilgewater have followed them into… only to find the caravan dead, and the cave haunted. The helm, as it turns out, commandeered immense soul power, capable of turning the minds of whoever…- wait, haven’t we heard this before?

After being assaulted by a beast defending this helmet, the Cartel decided to securely contain and study it. Who knows if it can just fit into a power outlet and keep the lights on?

I’m sure it’ll be fine.


Another mystery solved by the Scooby gang.


The Cartel was busy tonight!
Having heard of our strictly business-focused ventures into realms unknown by most, an otherworldly being “invited” us on a quest to retrieve for him… the exact same artifacts others have commissioned us to get, already. Uh oh.
Needless to say, the relic that was the target of tonight’s outing already had owners; large, stoneborne owners with a love for polearms. We may have gotten smacked around very hard, but we still came out the victors!

P.S.: Don’t drink from weird magical cups. You don’t know where they’ve been.


Due to an unfortunate power vacuum rearing its ugly head within the unit, the Bilgewater Cartel’s Board of Directors and Shareholders have stepped in to seize control.
This wasn’t the only thing they’ve done, however - plans have been put into motion to broaden the Cartel’s horizons, and really tap into Gazlowe’s influence - and what better way to do this than looking into places the Trade Prince already settled in at?

Hopefully everyone has enough sunscreen with them.


Always awesome to see these guys strutting about with their latest mission. Beware if you face them in combat.
They are more likely to blow you up instead of themselves.


I can definitely second that statement!

The Cartel recently made true on it as well - chasing after an old trail, we descended to the origin point of a mutant infection we’ve encountered in horrific testing sites across Azeroth prior; a maddening, deep cavern, within which a creature of the void was sat, left there by goblin scientists who previously tried and failed to exploit it!

Deeming it too dangerous, we wired the place to blow… but unfortunately, the beast stirred, and chased us all the way to the exit, extending its influence over many of us to try and claim soldiers for its own bidding.

Many daring stunts, quite a fair amount of panic, and an exhilarating elevator ride later, we emerged from the depths, burned, bruised, battered, but victorious. Surely these void-corrupted marvels of biology won’t trouble us again… right?


There’s no bitter Fourth War veterans attempting to cause mass murder in Ratchet, by the way.

…Or at least, not anymore.

We made sure of that tonight!