[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

I can confirm that I indeed have not seen anything.


The Bilgewater boys and girls are currently hanging out in Zandalar! Leisure and business are both on the table as we spectated some fights and gear up for some industrial projects that need to be done!
We’ll remain around Zuldazar for the remainder of this week, but next week we get back to our completely legitimate practices on the mainlands!

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Happy doing business with the gobs of this guild! :fox_face: :dollar:


The BOOMTEC Inc personnel continue their business in Zandalar.

Tonight’s task sent the company’s employees out into the wild jungle surrounding Zuldazar to gather a veritable mountain of dinosaur meat for certain… Projects, that are to be undertaken by the company’s R&D department. Something completely above board, I assure you. :eyes:

On a related note: The insides of a fully grown Brutosaur are spacious enough to house an entire family of goblins. At least one of tonight’s workers can testify to that.

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After persuading some local wildlife to help them out, securing a valuable kaja’mite source within Zuldazars jungles in doing so, our brave employees finally have their well-earned rest! It was a busy, eventful week in the city of gold!

Next week and onwards, we will be back in Bilgewater Harbor and / or Ratchet! Look for us there if interested!

Dark happenings take place in Goblin business all the time. It’s normal even. But it’s a whole 'nother thing when the Forsaken on your payroll start talking about bringing unlife to long dead flesh.

Professor Crowford, one of the more “creative” Forsaken on BOOMTEC Inc’s payroll has had the company running her errands for a bit, collecting choice bits and bobs. Nothing WEIRD, mind you, just an unfinished Abomination from the recently de-plagued Undercity and 500 pounds of dinosaur flesh and bone. Your everyday shopping list.

The gathering of these parts culminated in this past nights events as the various Forsaken and one equally “creative” goblin, Ms.Megapuddle, gathered in the BOOMTEC Inc’s underground R&D departments laboratories to perform WEIRD SCIENCE.

Through an extensive session of surgical adjustments and a liberal application of dinosaur muscle and sinew, as well as some corrosive, sentient slime and a healthy helping of electrical currents, the company’s Forsaken brought about the un-birthday of an experimental Abomination that is both a marvel of science and hopefully a profitable investment for the company. This was all on the company’s coin, after all. It best be WORTH IT.

Screenshot of the operation: https://i.gyazo.com/76163bb2518d68ee39f1900cd78cc103.png
And a recent render of the Nameless Experiment while it was still inert: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/451103311848800267/1002946048634921001/abomandcrowford.png


The past two days have been quite intense for the boys and girls in orange, considering sethrak infiltrators wreaked havoc across Bilgewater Harbor - timing it suspiciously accurately to the moment when our friends and allies of the Dustpaw Caravan paid a visit, attempting to implicate them for the attack by donning illusory vulpera disguises!

Thankfully, together, we managed to sweep our streets clean of murderous snake cultists, coming to realize that these were not average sethrak, but death and void worshippers, splinter groups that broke off of the Faithless and banded together.

Following an investigation of the Azshara rocketways, we uncovered the site of a putrid summoning, albeit too late; a monstrous flying creature was called forth from its deathly slumber, only to bring further destruction to Bilgewater property - including part of our own company Moguls villa!

The summoner and its creature may have been laid low in the end, but the attack itself bodes ill. Just what are the sethrak up to, over there in Vol’dun…?



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Average Tuesday night - thwarting shady necromantic disruptions of draconic infiltrators among our competitors ranks, all the while giving one of our newest secret weapons a test run.

All around success! Bilgewater stays winning.

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Tonight was a very interesting night for the BOOMTEC Inc employees.

Foreman Gridcog, after months of relentless Archive scouring, finally found a folder that he had wanted to lay his hands on for years. Ever since the Siege of Orgrimmar to be exact. This folder held the information that he needed to track down one of Siegecrafter Helix Blackfuses production facilities.

This facility turned out to be hidden inside a mine in the Blasted Lands. The company travelled to this location and after some expert demolitions and trial and error repairs on a almost ancient generator, the team found themselves inside the abandoned Blackfuse facility, where they were greeted by the recorded boasting of Helix Blackfuse himself.

The team managed to secure the facility after dispatching some un-maintained security mech and the true target of the Foreman’s mission to this place. A Prototype Iron Juggernaut, all to himse- Uhh… I mean, for the good of the Company and Cartel, of course.



After a long desert excursion, the boys and girls in orange are returning to familiar territory, starting next week!

Contrary to what you might have heard, BOOMTEC stocks are fine.
Nothing has transpired recently that warranted this statement from the Directorial Board, which always had four members on it by the way.

The last couple of days have been busy for the employees of BOOMTEC Inc.

Having been embroiled in a news controversy, after one of their fellow employees was blamed for the sudden passing of a highly positioned Board of Investors representative, the company found themselves harassed from all sides by paparazzi.

But business must continue and the company had to move forward, lest the tabloids chew them alive.

After some recent clashes with the Venture Company, BOOMTEC has been busy in digging around to find out what they have been up to. The Venture Co has had very strange dealings with Draconic cultists, while masking their activities as normal Venture Co business projects. The latest of which, was the recent production of a truly titanic dreadnaught class flagship for their fleet. The Venturenaught… Yes. That is the name.
BOOMTEC, while not able to directly attack the Venture Co, due to an irritating Undermine interest in the Venture operations, could not just leave their enemies free to roam around with zero supervision. And so, BOOMTEC set sail to build a forward outpost that they could spy on the Venture Co from.

However… Due to some… Unfortunate detonations and other recent damage done to Bilgewater vessels… The company had to rely on other modes of travel.

This boat was not designed to hold such a large crew.

It did not help that the boat was nearly falling apart. Half rust. Half another kind of rust.
The company also got engaged in combat with a patrolling Venture Co vessel. Luckily of a smaller caliber than a proper battle ship, but the naval battle was quite intense as half the crew were busy manning guns and repairing the boat, while the OTHER half of the team dove into the water to fight Venture Co Divers and… Battle sharks.
Fortunately, if there is one thing BOOMTEC Inc does well, it’s blowing things up.
The Venture Co vessel was left a burning, sinking husk while the BOOMTEC crew got to enjoy barbequed shark.

The voyage was successful as the company made landfall on their destination, a small island, perfect for a reconnaissance base.

~ ~ ~

However. It’s never quite so easy, is it?

The following day, after the BOOMTEC and general Bilgewater workers had finished setting some basic defenses on the beaches, as pictured below.
The company spotted the shape of the Venture flagship emerging from the mists, followed by a radio contact from their Boss, a mysterious individual who goes by Cigar Smoker. He gave BOOMTEC a simple warning. To leave the island, or perish.

I’m sure one can guess the reply to such a request?

What followed was a brutal battle between BOOMTEC and Venture Co, as the latter stormed the beaches with swarms of Murlocs, Makrura and robots. Followed by boats, equipped with high caliber cannons and armed goblins. The clash saw the BOOMTEC desperately fighting back the Venture Co assault, culminating in the attackers revealing their trump card.

A freaking Dragon.

After a fast and furious bout of dogfighting with a dragon, the BOOMTEC were able to bring the beast down, breaking the Venture Co assaulters morale as they were mopped up by a hail of gunfire, leaving Cigar Smoker fuming in his flagship, surely. BOOMTEC Inc finished setting up their forward base and got busy salvaging what useful parts they could from the Venture Co machines, that had so kindly been delivered to them.

But the threat of the Venture Co still remains. What is their secret project, and what will be their next move.

Find out next time, on… Whatever this coverage should be called.


Thanks for the spider silk that is totally from a NORMAL spider and definitely found first try, Squint! Shadra will be pleased! …I hope.

For real, we don’t usually come to Gadgetzan, so this was a very cool chance encounter.


Seeing as our very own directorial board is in quite the disarray, us lot here at BOOMTEC had a colorful past few weeks. A chaotic auction of company assets, ending in an attempted assassination one night, searching for invaluable scientific moneymakers the other… and let’s not forget the temporary lockdown of the Harbor.

None the less, big things are on the horizon, as even with the threat of death hanging over them, our leading figures seek the most profitable paths to take.


Following the aforementioned bumps on the road to profit, BOOMTEC has looked into some certain collaborations, which will be slowly bearing fruit.
Their employees, however, are kept busy just the same, with the harbor on lockdown, and a murder mystery afoot…

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As the board bickers over the death of two of their members, Suzie Goldswindle and Glax Wasslewix; to make matters worse, a share of B.O.O.M.T.E.C. is now being held by GNOMES of all people!

This just compounds the problems that the company is facing with the Venture Company using their great ‘Venturenaught’ to launch landings on the coast of Azshara, Bilgewater operations being attacked by a mysterious figure who is setting up dubious pylons and to top it all off, spooky month starting off with a murder mystery! Only time will tell if these Gnomish interests in B.O.O.M.T.E.C.'s secret subsidiary company, the Gold Coast Company are as much as a threat as the Goblins think they are or if they’re a blessing in disguise…

All the same, there’s no better time to give B.O.O.M.T.E.C. a blast and join us, or maybe you play a Gnome who would be interested in avoiding Alliance scrutiny and indulge in some cross faction research endeavours…


Our boys and girls in orange are occupied smoothing out some legal troubles and amassing wealth for the company via digging up centuries old garbage artifacts, while our leadership works tirelessly in establishing much needed business partnerships.
Gotta be prepared for all things mysterious and dare I say, expansive, on the literal horizon, after all.

Its been a wild ride and there is no sign of it stopping anytime soon.
Right now we are dealing with expansions into lucrative neutral collaborations with an alliance side subsidiary company but we are also solving holiday themed murder mysteries, tracking down suspects in a peculiar bank heist and solving issues with suppliers.

Safe to say B.O.O.M.T.E.C Inc. is a Busy business, and rarely if ever is any of it as straight forward as it might seem.

My name is Dealmaker Goregrom and I am paid to bring you this message.


They make for deadly competition. 10/10 would fight again

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