[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

When asked to bring only what is necessary into Alterac, these guys brought a grill.

Anyway we’re having solid meals for the next couple of days and equally solid company!


Grills are entirely necessary. Especially as we head through to alien worlds to fight demons and fel-infused ogres. Can’t fight on a stomach full of salad.


After an action-filled lengthy excursion to Alterac and then to Outland itself, our Battalion troops are returning home, back to our usual paces around Bilgewater Harbor and Ratchet! We might be taking a bit of a breather post-campaign, but we’ll be floating around!


Tag along for some sweet Bilgewater RP! If I were a goblin, I wouldn’t have the slightest of doubts about joining these guys.
Unfortunately, I am not a goblin.


We can fix that.

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I hear the science branch employees can do WONDERS these days… :eye: :eye:

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To mark our anniversary, we’ve done our third and final revamp to the guild that shows the outcome of many different interconnected plotlines that have led to B.O.O.M.T.E.C. arising to seek out new opportunities for the Bilgewater Cartel. Mercenaries, interns, Battalion soldiers and researchers, whatever walk of life your character is from, it’s time to get a job with B.O.O.M.T.E.C.!


To mark the occasion, we’ve already checked into a nearby, popular, lumber-rich area for some industrial planning. Good stuff to come!

Corporate shakeups can open up prime opportunities to enterprising goblins, and goblin minded individuals. Ask about our great health insurance plan! *

( * it doesn’t exist.)


Stay away from our trees or we will come and remove your filthy ears.

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Show nature who’s boss!

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Don’t worry, we’ll kick them out of Ashenvale for you.

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Touch the ears and you’ll get lead right between the eyes >:(

Or better yet, YOURS will be removed in turn.

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:dagger: :new_moon:


A healthy competition on the free market, how exciting! Begins spreading rumours about the inferior quality of your lumber.


That goblin’s not wearing a proper Cartel tabard. Fear not, a fine has been issued. Please send a blank cheque to the Bilgewater Cartel Board of Directors, don’t worry about the amount, we’ll fill that in for you.

Every time we fight these guys, something gets stolen. Well, now we’ve stolen something from them!

Blast to fight as well!


After some prosperous time spent in Ashenvale, our valiant boys and girls in orange were sent along to Stonetalon by the BOOMTEC directorial board, in order to check on a missing scouting party for laying down zeppelin tower groundworks.

What they found, was an eerily silent forest and mysteriously deceased goblins. And the investigation is yet to conclude…


After finding out that the zeppelin tower project was momentarily halted by a very angry spirit, and promptly dispatching said spirit, the Battalion returned home for some rest.

Following that, though, our researchers, flanked by some muscle, attempted to do some gardening for herbs needed for a revitalizing concoction - but they did not factor in a lone, crazed orc who has gone extremely native in the Barrens oasis they visited. After some brief disagreements, the attacker was chased off, and the necessary alchemical preparations were carried out.

Surely this won’t cause problems in the future.

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The Directorial Board of B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated chooses to not comment on the plague of oddly colored dead rats left behind the Broken Keel tavern of Ratchet last night.

If you think you saw any of our employees there - no you have not.

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