[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

I’ve been preoccupied with other characters, but am looking to get back into the gnomish swing of things for the good and glory of gnomanity. Goblins did help bring down King Mechagon, so I suppose they are alright. What are Vulpera, though? Are they edible?

Anyway! I’m around most evenings so I may throw one of you a whisper to see what’s what! Boltwrench or Manafuse, right?


That’s correct! I’ll be around on Manafuse for a while at the usual prime time RP hours tonight if you’d like to catch me online then! We have an event tomorrow that will be especially fun for the Gnomes of the guild!

They don’t taste great, but their tail hair is an excellent alchemic catalyst for my elixir of rapid hair regrow. Now for sale, buy five potions and get a 10 percent discount!

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-100 diplomacy points Spruggle

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Tonight, Sparkforge headed a scholarly trip into the depths of Ulduar, flanked by BOOMTEC and even the Astral Consortium as backup.
Our way of going about our business in there wasn’t 100% legitimate, granted, but it was well worth the occasional security risk.

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Whatever our Astral Consortium and BOOMTEC representatives from that mission say about us temporarily exploiting a security fault in Ulduar with our jury rigged attendant and blowing up security orbs is an absolute lie we just went on a field trip to their botanical garden. :slight_smile:

Goblins are meant to be training dummies for explosives! Don’t befriend them! :rage:

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Calling it a “friendship” might be somewhat optimistic, but whatever works for profit and scientific advancement works for us - and pays well for the employees of both companies!

I WOULD say tonight was a good example, but a prosperous salvage operation turned into a perilous undersea haunting, so that wouldn’t 100% fit.


They’re all my little monsters now, baby. :dancer:


That gnome is clearly delusional and doesn’t have any goblin friends. I feel sorry for them.


I concur, friend.


I-I can explain this.


Last night, we’ve toured our new, mobile base, and installed its power core as a fun, and totally not catastrophically dangerous pastime of cooperation!

I’m most proud of the Goblin quarter. Don’t look behind the fruit bowl painting btw.

BOOMTEC and Sparkforge Industries are currently cleaning up some of our business on the main lands before we take to our barge and set a course for the next expedition! Currently most of us can be found in Ratchet, but you may see some of us in Stormwind and Orgrimmar selling our wares and running recruitment stands up until we set sail!

Recently, BOOMTEC and Sparkforge finally finished work on the reactor core we’ve been building for our barge for the past year of real time and technically the past four years of game world time! It’s time to launch it in the coming week, so now’s a great time to join either guild before we leave for our next big adventure on our brand new barge if you ever wanted to RP on Fizzle and Pozziks Speedbarge as a base!

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Installing the core was also top-notch work 'cause we had trained Bilgewater personnel overseeing it!

Your assistance was appreciated.

Tonight, we’ve made some efforts to further our diplomatic reach!
Due to an unfortunate acquisition, BOOMTEC and its sister company are required to seek outside help - and in order to get it, its employees dove into the depths of the sea for some rare treasures, hoping to use them as bargaining chips!

While goodies were plentiful, so were ravenous, decaying sea creatures. Nobody died, only almost.

Another successful mission!

With our sea-faring floating base of operations functional and DEFINITELY curse-free, we’re back to our usual work - like investigating a ship that seemingly got abandoned in the middle of the ocean, in Bilgewater territory!

What we found was a vessel picked clean of its crew by gil-goblins - and as we were taking a look, they came back for the cargo, with a giant shark in tow.

Thanks to our impeccable diplomacy skills and incredible violence however, we emerged victorious. Business as usual, and we got some goodies out of it too!