[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Tonight we’ve done something a little different.
Armed with previous knowledge we got from punching holes in realities via totally legitimate science, we’ve flung ourselves to a proverbial metaphysical waiting room for a respectful chitchat between us and some spirits.
The knowledge we got from them will lead to some dangerous - and extremely valuable - findings… and a potential return trip to the Dragon Isles in the near future.

Today BOOMTEC and Sparkforge boarded our barge and set sail for Kul Tiras! Being such a large vessel, the barge is making slow progress across the seas but we’ve got everything Gnomes and Goblins could need aboard. With the more eccentric individuals aboard such as chefs who employ imps and other demons in their kitchen and Hozen that refuse to allow people access to the upper platforms without paying a toll of booze or fruit, however, who knows if a bit of stir craziness will begin to set in eventually?

We’ll be arriving in Kul Tiras on Tuesday, and while BOOMTEC will be sure not to do much more than set up camp under neutral banners on the outskirts, you may be able to find Sparkforge wandering about Boralus trying to sell our wares!

As ever, BOOMTEC, Sparkforge and the Astral Consortium are recruiting, so if you have any character interested in the advancement of science, magic, technology, exploration or economic ventures, just hit one of the officers of any of the guilds up and we’ll be sure to point you in the right direction for an invitation!

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I approve this message.

Today we made a stop at freeport and disguised ourselves as pirates to enjoy the simple life without rules and authority. For some reasons we thought it was a good idea to challenge the biggest pirate in town for big prize money and placed bets on ourselves. But the teamplay of gnomish engineering and goblin alchemy turned out to be extraordinary and we made great profit out of this foolish idea!

We’re arriving in Kul Tiras proper tonight with an event where we’re fulfilling a salvage contract in the junkyard in Tiragarde where the first hints of Mechagon’s existence were discovered! After that we’ll move to pop up a trading post close to Boralus!

The Company reports they have destroyed the current king of the troggs on Mechagon Island. A new one will rise, but, their banditry, kidnapping, and murder, has been halted for the time being whilst they fight each other. Another victory for the Bilgewater Battalion and Associates.

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We were definitely not tricked by a cute gnome with pigtails to collect all the ingredients necessary to summon a powerful demon. We were not payed with an aweful lot of stolen Zandalari gold to do things like this again. And we certainly will not use the orphan whelplings we are supposed to care about for childrens week as test subjects for new alchemical potions.

We are the good guys. Join us on our barge and do a lot of research where neither Alliance nor Horde can see us. We really are the good guys!


Wowowow hold up. You did not tell us it was STOLEN.

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We deny all involvement!

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Our collection of companies are checking up on some property and infrastructure around Zandalar - and while there, we’ve checked out a completely inconspicuous temple that once belonged to the Titans!
Naturally, as is with many places like this nowadays, Primalists have made it their home for desecration and other cultist activity, so we did the right thing and utterly destroyed them before setting about looting the place. Lucrative AND a good workout!

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After a fierce battle in Vol’dun, and victory over their sethrak foe, the Company have returned to their Barge, to celebrate and mourn the loss of two soldiers this night. Commander Hix Steelspit, and Private Isaac Killswitch will be remembered as heroes of the Battalion, and we salute them for their service, and wish them a speedy journey to the Great Party.

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Goblin female cry sound on loop


With a week full of business ventures, carnage and tragedy behind us, we’ll be leaving Vol’dun and headed back towards the mainland with our Barge!

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One more week and BOOMTEC is going to be headin’ back to the Dragon Isles! The crew that stayed behind at our base camp in Three Falls Lookout has accidentally helped with a bit too much dynamite in blowing a hole in the cliff face, opening a tunnel to Zaralek Caverns!

BOOMTEC is looking for researchers to make new discoveries and way to profit off of them across and below the Isles, as well as Battalion soldiers and Mercenaries to protect them when they’re endangered!


Listen up soldiers! We’ll soon be putting boots on the ground back on the Dragon Isles. Speaking of boots, Spruggle’s got some boot lickin’ to do for the Valdrakken Accord to forgive us for a certain ahem incident during Children’s Week!

Commander Steelspit may’ve tragically died a warriors death on the field of battle against the Desert Rose Sethrak but the Captain he assigned to this company NEVER forgets so her plan to smooth things over’d better work!

Join the Bilgewater Battalion unit assigned to BOOMTEC, see the world! Oh, or I suppose you can do that by joining our R&D or being hired as a mercenary as well. We’ll be shipping out on Sunday night so now’s the perfect time to join us!


Tonight, the combined companies dealt with a rogue bronze drake who fancied putting them under a test of a sort; going through time loops over and over until the correct solution to a problem was found. The caveat being, that if it wasn’t, they all perished in a ball of flame… only to reappear a few hours back in time, forced to retry.

There was some frustration, but nothing perseverance can’t fix.

The Mogul had important things to do while you were all trying to deal with a bronze drake- mainly becoming re-acquainted with her jacuzzi now it’s been fixed!

BOOMTEC and their allies have returned to the Dragon Isles. Any claims we’re partially responsible for the gaping hole in the cliffs at Three-Falls are without merit.

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That being said, a giant cavern full of ancient dragon labs and the experiments of Neltharion is definitely something we’ll be interested in researching and most certainly not profiting off of no sir. We’ll be heading an expedition down there over the coming days/week or two!

Currently, BOOMTEC and their associates are camping in the outskirts of Loamm in Zaralek cavern. We’re plenty busy gathering research material for completely legitimate purposes which I am legally required to say.

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