[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

The bulk of our operations are still down in Zaralek! We’ve lent a hand to the soldiers of the Valdrakken Accord and the Black Dragonflight (definitely on our own merit with no other motivation behind it), while our gathering of scholars and researchers look into bounty of profitable knowledge found underground.

We’re still hanging out around the Dragon Isles, but even while here, we’re shutting down people trying to undermine the Bilgewater Cartel. We may have had to ‘question’ some traveling tradesfolk, but it was all for a good cause, right?


Our combined companies are working on establishing trade relations with some Dragon Isles locals, while completely safe* testing is ongoing on our Zaralek findings.

*citation needed


Did I mention that BOOMTEC also keeps everything under control and never has assets stolen or important figures kidnapped under its watch?

Because that’s totally true. Our introduction of our newest member on the Board of Directors went without a HITCH.

After returning to Kalimdor, BOOMTEC and Sparkforge spent a week at a local spa. Upon returning to work from this vacation, time anomaly stuff started happening. Things are about to get interesting.

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After a bit of mental fortitude testing gone wrong, BOOMTEC and their allies set about dealing with local problems once more.
Kicking some two-bit competitors to the curb, or racing to prevent total destruction of our base - it’s all in the cards for this lot, baby. We even found some weird, evolved demon from an alternate reality to pick apart. Our eggheads love that kinda thing.

The Companies are currently dealing with all manner of shenanigans brought about by these time rifts. Anyone wanting a good amount of money to help us, we’re always accepting new recruits. The old ones keep vanishing.

Yes, I’ve always been a Vulpera, why do you ask?

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BOOMTECs work isn’t made easy by time itself cracking in half - a top secret containment facility goes haywire, and void artifacts are needed to put out of circulation days later, all under our very noses.

No rest for the wicked, they say, but hey, if you feel like you’re tough enough to handle that, shoot us a message and join up!

Through their research into mending the ever-cracking timeways, BOOMTEC and their associates have stumbled into potentially the worst timeline; Azmourne, where the Scourge rules supreme.

Aided by the resident counterpart of a long-gone friend, the group had to contend with the undefeatable undead masses swarming at night; meeting people they knew in their own realm, now thralls of the living dead; and the horrors of losses that’ll stick with them for a long time, if not forever.

After almost a week of being trapped in this unforgiving realm, they’re now back home, with the knowledge they sought. Hopefully, it was worth it.

BOOMTEC Inc. is proud to announce that we’ve opened a store front in Dalaran through our subsidiary company Sparkforge Industries. The store will cater to all your engineering needs, from grenades to mechs, tools and equipment.
Security provided by the Bilgewater Battalion, so you can shop in peace knowing that any riffraff or pickpockets will be taken care of. So stop on by, and buy stuff.


After spending time wrapping up the tail-end of some time anomalies, we’re back to our base, in familiar waters.

The companies of BOOMTEC and Sparkforge have been run ragged dealing with temporal anomalies and recurring echoes of void nonsense. Although a few rest days have crept up on us, we’re still looking for brave individuals to join the Battalion, and protect our assets, investments, and rescue any scientist wandering off because they saw something shiny/broken/dead, and feel the need to poke it with a stick.

Apply today!

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Whats in the company benefits package?

Place to sleep, get fed, very cool tabard to wear, travel to exotic places (mandatory), mechanical limb replacement for those you get blown off, with a paintjob of your choosing! Might have a shotgun or a flamethrower inside it. Would only cost you an arm or a leg

Hanging out in Pandaria for a bit, where we’re selling edible* things you can consume**, for Brewfest!

*citation needed

We continue to spend time in Pandaria where the Mogul herself has set foot on the shores in an attempt to swindle the Pandaren of Krasarang and the Jade Forest into letting BOOMTEC have shares in their mines in return for ‘Saurok detectors’.

A show of force against the growing Saurok threat by the Battalion is in order and our research and development team have plenty to research in these mystical lands. Will this gambit succeed? Maybe, maybe not - but as Brewfest goes on we have plenty of Pandaren culture to sample while we’re here!

Hit up any of our officers or members to ask about recruitment to the guild - they’ll be sure to point you in the right direction! We are currently seeking all roles - mercenaries, merchants, researchers and Battalion personnel.

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We’re still anchored in Pandaria, near Anglers Wharf, where we just spent a nice evening beating back invading saurok raiders. These lizards bore some powerful magical punch, and might have been tipped off about our location by an old nemesis. Never a dull moment.

Since the last update, we’ve moved location. Currently the BOOMTEC/Sparkforge Barge has rounded the Cape of Stranglethorn and defeated the local pirates, who thought they could challenge the technologically superior Conglomeration. Sights are currently set for Bogpaddle, where the companies will be spending the next couple of days, before continuing northwards.

This company is Tugmon tested and approved!

The Company Barge has stopped today at Fuselight-by-the-Sea off the coast of the Badlands to take on new personnel. Don’t ask about the one’s we’re replacing.

If you’d like to join the adventure, head to the docks by 8pm server time for an IC interview and answer any questions you may have.

Adventure awaits!

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