[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Still basing ourselves out of Freywold Village, our adventures across the Isle of Dorn continue as we’ve busied ourselves gathering information about the local flora and fauna and learning about the locals.

We’ve also been trying to get our hands on the recipe for the famous Cinderbrew, hoping that we can edit it to be easier to consume for mortals and make a tidy profit by going into business partnership with the Meadery. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the Meadery, the Venture Company had arrived first and had already conned the poor Earthen out of not just their beloved Meadery, but the secret recipe as well!

This calls for a bit of subterfuge and sabotage to give a hand to the band of heroes that will inevitably show up to save the day…


Brewing a weaker version of Cinderbrew is grounds for war.
I would now prepare for war but after drinking Cinderbrew I need a lay down.


We’re now in Dornogal. Come join us in the hot tubs!

This week we’re getting in touch with the elusive Steelvein Traders who help the Earthen receive what they need to work more efficiently from the shadows. Perhaps we can teach them a thing or two about how to smuggle (or how not to)!

We remained definitely completely law-abiding, dug around and found some interesting friends the Earthen have contact with, and made some tentative “progress” in our investigation of local drinks.

We’re setting our sights on another part of this vast island though - there’s still tons more for us to explore.

A daring venture begun tonight with the final goal of rescuing our kidnapped allies. The way was ominous, but, so far so good!
Fingers crossed we won’t get eaten by spiders. That’d be pretty bad, I would say.

We did not, in fact, get eaten by spiders! We made some new allies instead, who invited us to a visit into their territory, Hallowfall!
We’re currently camping at Dunelle’s Kindness and having our fill of the fascinating and the new!

In the process of helping one of our own make amends for a fatal misunderstanding, we ended up uncovering some lethal malpractice instead; clearing our friends name, and preventing further disaster upon the Arathi who welcomed us in so readily.

Our stay on (and in) this new island is proving to be extremely fruitful, but it’s unlikely we’ll stay for much longer! We’ve pressing business back on the mainland, and we’ll need to muster up some strength before our kidnapped allies can be saved! Until then, Hallowfall is quite comfortable, at least…

BOOMTEC has spent some time away from Khaz Algar, but we were not idle in the meantime either! We’ve looked into some matters regarding timeways, and paid our respects to forsaken history… rescuing one of our own in the process!

We’ll be returning to the land of the Earthen shortly, but there’s yet work to be done!

Been getting comfy setting up some more infrastructure to work with. Gonna spend some more time in the mainland - mostly hanging out in Fuselight - before we head to Khaz Algar anew.

I think we’re gonna be sticking around, if you’ve been watching the 30th Anniversary, just a hunch.

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Tonight the Company will return to Khaz Algar, to settle some unfinished business with the bugs. Sign up now, and join our security team, the Fel-Divers*, and show those arachnid bastids our superior firepower and issue them with free lead injections!

Come join the fight. For freedom! For the Profits! And for justice!

*note: the term Fel-Diver is not used at all, and is a marketing gimmick.

Breaking news from Mmarl’s Grudge Grotto Deathmatches!

Last night’s matches have raised some questions as many of the recent crowd favourites had an unprecedented row of losses against a fresh contestant! A Felguard named “Ikzildhun” fighting on behalf of a trainer and/or summoner who goes by “Hardbelt”

Questions have been raised at the circumstances surrounding the Felguard’s victory over the roster of seasoned prize fighters, but the Mmarl law enforcement has not voiced any suspicion over the legitimacy of the matches.

No EVIDENCE of foul play has been found.


Man, the City of Threads ain’t the most welcoming place, huh.

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After fighting a massive boss battle onboard an airship, we did also take a closer look at the City of Threads in order to find some missing allies.

Still pretty bad. But we’re making progress!

After a perfectly safe and quiet night of holiday hangouts, where we DID NOT fight a possessed bringer of Winter Veil cheer and WERE NOT forced to exorcise an evil spirit from him, BOOMTEC has settled in for some rest and relaxation.

Given what big things are on the horizon, we can certainly use a nice, long pause.

We hope everyone had happy holidays and are being sufficiently self caring in their New Years resolutions!

A New Year means new stuff, and BOOMTEC is kicking it off by opening up a brand spanking new ARC&D department. Our ARC&D offers scholars of all walks of life and spell schools an avenue through which they can push the boundaries of magic so long as they don’t get too evil with their rituals and applications. In the wake of the fall of Dalaran, there’s a whole host of arcane knowledge that was lost with the city, and with the main magical regulatory body of the world almost down and out, there’s no better time to play with magic and sell our magical research to the highest bidders…

Whisper any of our officers or apply via the guild finder to get your position on this (totally safe) new team today!

Staying in Azj-Kahet is wearing us down, but we’re not out for the count yet.
We’re close to rescuing everyone taken during Dalarans fall - and just in time too. Interesting rumors are going around the Ringing Deeps about a certain cartel…

BOOMTEC Inc has chosen to depart from Azj-Kahet, having completed what we set out to do in those arachnid infested depths. Our departure was in no way influenced by an encroaching elite squad of Ascended Nerubians who wanted to bring us to face justice in the City of Threads for some… diplomatic disagreements their employer and the company had in recent times.

After our polite rejection of their kind invitation, the company made a measured and calm decision to leave Mmarl and Azj-Kahet in general behind us. Our Nerubian quests even went as far as to catch up and escort us to the borders of their empire. Most kind. There was in no way a life and death retreat where the vast majority of the company’s dirigibles went down in flames and half our members were nearly shot down by enraged Nerubians, no sir.

BOOMTEC Inc are back in Dornogal to recuperate and settle some concerning revelations that came to light about events that led to recent tragedies within the company.


Back on the Mainland again, to good old Ratchet, stretching our legs a bit while we can. Quickly sorted out a silly dispute between one of our bosses and a troll grifter, but it ended okay! I think anyway, the guy turned into dust.

Gonna be hanging around familiar lands for a while!

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