[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

I decided to hop online to see if there’s anyone from the guild online to talk to and… Not having much luck so far, everyone’s been offline for the four separate times I tried checking.

Hopefully I’ll meet someone from the guild eventually!
Edit: Found someone!

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I hope you found the answers you were looking for, sorry if the help was not satisfactory.


It was perfectly alright. I appreciate the talk we had.

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Hey, mooks. Join the Battalion. Unlike those other organisations and milit’ry goons, we has health insurance!

Dunno what that means?

Well, if yous lose an arm, we grafts a new one on for yous! Could be robotic and fires bullets!*

Doesn’t that sound awesome?

Sign up today.

*Mechanical limbs are not guaranteed, may not have inbuilt machine guns, and have a 50% chance of exploding. But it’s worth it for a sweet robot arm!


Sign me up for that! … In three days.

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On the first day Letzy almost sailed us off to Uldum, we faced off against some haughty Zandalari and took down a Devilsaur whilst the Captain tried to find his bearings.

On the second day we left our little headhunters lodge having stolen a Gnome head and all packed into a dingy canoe, only to be swept to the other shore by our own shredder as we fought our way through the swamps and discovered that the Sethrak had handed the Vulpera we were after to the Blood Trolls for their rituals!

And now, on the third day, after a thrilling fight in Zalamar against ritualists, powerful warriors and a giant bat which ended in the Blood Trolls being defeated by fire mixing with tar, we escaped to Vol’dun and reunited Kinoro, our Vulperan Emissary and all but one of the lost caravan Vulpera with the rest of the Voldunai. The Vulpera are thankful for the Battalions aid, and some of them are most definitely thinking of joining us if the Vulpera ever join the Horde (wink wink)!

We can’t wait for 8.3, and with introductions made, we hope you think about joining the Bilgewater Battalion as a Vulpera or even a Goblin with the new Goblin heritage armour!


As the Battalion begin to recruit and train Vulpera, we also begin to revel in this sweet new heritage armour! Goblin, Vulpera, Orc or Forsaken, now is the BEST time to join the Bilgewater Battalion!


If you want to find the Battalion to be recruited or chill with us, some of us will be having a little meeting and RPing in Orgrimmar tonight!

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I urge my dear vulperan people to join this fine lot. There will be great adventure and bountiful loot ahead of us!

For the Horde!

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So far my impressions are positive and I have no regerts making a Vulpera solely to join this guild.

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Having participated in this amazing guild, what can I do but wholeheartedly endorse The Biwgewater Batawwion Grrr :3 to all our new vulperan friends.


I will have my revenge on you for UwUing in my UwU free space but thank you for calling us amazing!

The Bilgewater Battalion are hastily scrambling onto a zeppelin tonight to make a course for Northrend, where we’ll be showing the Vulpera the state of the Horde in the best way we can- hunting down loyalists who want to blight us all!

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Levelling a Goblin for the very first time, not having really played Horde ever - You guys welcome leveling players in?

So strange to start from absolute scratch, haha. Barely enough money for a transmog.

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Hail to the light, brother! I have it on good authority that joining these mooks is a surefire way to eternal grace and salvation under the glory of the- yada yada you get the point, I’m not even getting paid for this endorsement do you expect me to put all that effort in?


Going in to my first event last night, and with an open mind, I can safely say that I had a really good time.

There we were, in the open skies! The sea beneath us, all of us having a wonderful time, when suddenly… Tentacle attack! And a robot talking to me about a man in green tights.

Hoping to be a part of more adventures.

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Happy to accept people levelling, we’re all levelling Vulpera ourselves! We can help with transmog money :slight_smile:


Highly Recommended for Goblin and Vulpera’s alike.


The Bilgewater Battalion have accepted the call for aid in the fight against N’zoth and shall be heading for Pandaria on Monday! There is preparation to breach the Vale to be done and meetings to be had; yet the Arclight Association are aiding the Battalion in their endeavours as they believe that they have a claim to what lies beneath Big Blossom Mine aside from a Titan facility as well! However, Captain Trautfizzle has other motives at play than a zeal to defeat N’zoth and the promise of a big Bilgewater payout. Will the Battalion be able to capitalize on the Mogu marching en masse against the Vale and raid their tombs and Halls whilst their attentions are upon their war effort, or will Arclight foil them? We’ll have to hope we survive being trapped in a submarine with them for a few days first!

We’ll be departing on Monday, please contact me or an officer in game, make an application in the guild finder or approach one of us IC in the Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar if you want to be recruited in time to join in with our next escapades in scenic lands!


Last night upon arrival, we’ve had some G.G.V. quality time, and then in the after dark hours, a Vulpera got drunk after one mug of Pandaren ale, which proceeded to do all sorts of drunken things before wandering off, likely passing out in some sand.

Overall, I’d say it was a very pleasant evening.

You mean the Battalion are aiding Arclight right? This ego accepts nothing less.

Also everyone, best Horde guild EU right here join em.