[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Happy Birthday Bilgewater Bros


Happy birthday to Bilgewater Batallion!


A late happy birthday!
A great guild to join, especially after this super campaign!


For the Pact…


I hear they do beach parties or something. Also they don’t bump their own thread.

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In the wake of our arsenal being blown up as the Battalion took a quick trip to Zuldazar to play with dinosaurs and gather herbs behind Trautfizzles back, it’s now a race to rebuild it before the next battle comes!

For this reason, as well as focusing on Orcs and Forsaken, the Battalion are especially interested in engineers and blacksmiths who can flesh out our engineering core and rebuild our arsenal! Uncle Bedlam wants YOU(r inventions)!

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The batallion is a group of dedicated, hard-working members (and Letzy). In times of hardship they stand like a mountain to support their friends! Like a wise peon would say: ”Pact friends are best Friends”


Yes, haha, pact friends are best friends. (Help she’s planning my assassination for hitting her matron over the head!)

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Don’t be paranoid my friend! That wound was deemed unimportant! Nothing to cause an avalanche because of.

Looks at Ligsette who got buried in an avalanche, eyes slowly thin

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Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

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We were cursed from the moment the first of us were risen back into a state of unlife, directionless from the second we regained our autonomy only to find that those we once called friends, family and neighbours screamed in terror at the sight of us; abandoned, Forsaken.

Sylvanas Windrunner, loathed be her name, gave us purpose, direction, yet she too forsook us in the pursuit of whatever power she is so desperate to gain. Those of us who did not blindly stumble after a leader who no longer considers those most loyal to her her own anymore have been left abandoned, once again, Forsaken.

Yet what she did leave in her legacy, was a war machine. Finely tuned, with limitless potential; and just because she is gone, does not mean that such a powerful force cannot exist anymore- no, it can and will exist in the name of the Horde and its catalyst rests amongst our Goblin allies who stood by us until the final moments of her dread reign.

Look for the Forsaken who wear cloaks with skulls embroidered upon them, for we are the Skull Cloaks, and with the aid of the Bilgewater Battalion and the guidance of Captain Trautfizzle, we shall turn out misguided war machine on the true enemies of the Horde!

Goblins and Forsaken have always shared a good relationship amongst their people, mainly because of the way in which the Goblins care little for the undead state of the Forsaken or their dubious practises. This was strengthened in BfA when we saw Bilgewater technicians working as blight spreaders and meat wagon technicians at the battle for Lordaeron and in at the second Siege of Orgrimmar they manned mech suits which upheld the ‘peace’ in Orgrimmar and kept the skies clear.

I have always loved the concept of the Forsaken not letting their wayward kin who remain loyal to their Queen who abandoned them continue to commit traitorous acts in the wake of her betrayal and turning the very war machine of Goblin inventions working alongside Forsaken alchemy and unholy manpower on the very people who created it. For that reason I would like to introduce:

The Skull Cloaks

A group of Forsaken within the Bilgewater Battalion who seek to emulate the Forsaken war machine, identifying each other with Bilgewater tabards and cloaks on their backs which are marked with skulls, the cloak which drops from Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas more specifically!

To get this initiative off the ground, the Bilgewater Battalion are looking for any Forsaken who like the idea of such a concept alongside the usual Goblins, Orcs and Vulpera. We hope to see you enlist soon!


Forsaken wanted you say?.. Have you ever considered joining the Crusade? Two goblins in a coat can surely pass as a Scarlethead.

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Looking for forsaken? Well any forsaken that join Will be in great company with Adam! You forsaken rp:ers should definatly join them!


For the Dark La- Cartel… Always.


Tonight the Skull Cloaks of the Battalion will be heading down to Tirisfal Glades where we shall be helping the Forsaken of Deathknell amongst other settlements and convincing them that the Forsaken can still be strong, but do not need their Banshee Queen or to bow to the loyalists whenever they roll into town to do so.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Battalion continue to support our allies and rest up in preparation for the next big deployment. Why not head on down to Bilgewater Harbour tomorrow? We’ll be having a friendly footbomb match based off of blood bowl which we’ll be testing out in hopes of being able to run it as a community event in the future!

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Bilgewater Battalion is a strong group, IC and OOC.
Willing to take on new RPers or returners.
Always something going on in the guild.
A strong drive to bring RP to underused spots.
Healthy levels of both zane and serious themes.

Love em!


I had really fun roleplay with these goblins yesterday trying to buy machines from them.

Hello i just posted that i have returned after a very long break and someone to me your guild was a good one for a Goblin to join. Can you tell me how i can meet and join you guys if you want me of course?

Now there’s a battalion I don’t want to be caught by in the dead of night… :eyes: :sweat_drops: