[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

The Battalion are now in Zangarmarsh, Outland on campaign! An insidious, plague like radiation is slowly spreading from the steam pumps, and the Battalion are at the head of trying to delay it as much as possible! Due to the presence of the Banshee Queens loyalists, victory in the marshes is especially important to our Forsaken, enlist now an help us out!


Really cool guild - if you’re a military goblin you should check them out


Bilgewater Harbour Hours were a rousing success and we thank everyone who showed up in support! However for the Battalion, the shadow of death has hung over the Harbour clouding out even the sweet feeling of profit being made. The crude betrayal of Emissary Kinoro spread distrust and chaos throughout the ranks of the Vulpera, ending in an explosive meeting and a solemn funeral. The Captain and his forces now swear vengeance against Kinoro, the Vulperan Trademark and the Stygian Loyalists who they have sought refuge amongst. Join the Battalion today as we prepare to deploy to Lordaeron at the end of this week, you can also find us tomorrow running our own tent at the Vulperan Market in Thunder Bluff!


Can’t wait for our epic cross overs, Traut!

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Alas we were rushed before we could ask for help! But fret not, plenty of other opportunities will arise for us to work together. And we’ll even let you see Suramar
 With mild supervision.


Always like interacting with the Bilgewater gang, very diverse in members but still with that defined Goblin shade.


The one and only true gang.

Why dont you
 get in ?


These Absolute Mad Lads are currently doing the horde proud in Silverpine.

If you’re a goblin and not in this guild what are you doing with your life tbqh?


Captain Trautfizzle sat at the mayors desk of Ambermill’s townhall. In a moment of silence he could hear people talking outside, tinkering sounds coming from the workshop, the whirring of the saw mill and shots being taken at targets on the practice range. Preparations for another day of conflict. They had made the town serviceable within record time, the town of Ambermill, with walls and barricades that could easily support an army.

Though for all of their operations in Silverpine, on THEIR mission that THEIR commander had assigned them to, it had taken the Champion one day to undo everything. What did they expect? For Bilgewater soldiers who had mourned their dead and been betrayed oh so many times by the Stygian Loyalists to simply roll over and work with the Loyalists for a petty gain of ground just because their allies couldn’t be bothered to call in their machines.

It was a sham, A SHAM! ‘You bombed a Forsaken settlement’, Fenris Keep? An abandoned keep with no one inside at the time? The one that had been abandoned? ANYTHING to keep the Bilgewater Goblins alongside the Vulpera and the Nightborne downtrodden eh, anything to keep them on the back foot. Whilst the Zandalari who stood with pride had denounced the unstable truce made with the Loyalists on that night, more than one Darkspear Troll had spat foul yarns about the Battalion, that they were ‘just in it for the money’, that they ‘take Alliances where convenient’.

No, if Jastor Trautfizzle and his troops were like that, they too would have sided with the Loyalists that night, instead of demolishing their wretched keep until it was more of a wreck than it already was.

For now, the Battalion would complete their mission in Silverpine, but afterwards? They will show that they are not to be messed with and punished so easily by people bumbling to take the blame

Things are getting wild in Silverpine and Trautfizzle’s not happy! As we head towards the thrilling conclusion of our excursion into Lordaeron alongside the rest of the PCU, the Bilgewater Battalion are beginning to see the same cracks forming within the Horde that we once thought gone.

Enlist today?


I don’t usually give free, but here’s a free BUMP.
Learned about you by accident flying over some event of yours on a flightpath. Keep that up!

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How’s that “vengeance for Hartwell” working out for you?

Heh heh heh :fox_face::shield:


Rly enjoy working with the GM, great sport to set up big events with


The Bilgewater Battalion are concluding a thrilling event chain where we have been hunting down a morbid Gnome death knight that slaughtered a Bilgewater squad and kidnapped Bridget! However, RP isn’t the only thing we do! We also like to do:

  • Raiding.
  • Transmog runs.
  • Levelling together.
  • Arenas
  • Rated Battlegrounds (badly)
  • And games other than World of Warcraft such as Overwatch and Sea of Thieves!

Of course you still need to log in and RP with us on your Goblin, Forsaken, Orc or Vulpera, but look at all of these things we do outside of RP hours!


Nine whole days with no update? But you’ve done so much cool stuff. You should totally tell the good people of AD!


We did stuff.


Proud of you.


The Bilgewater Battalion have spent the week doing ‘housekeeping’ in Zandalar and solidifying bonds of friendship and mutual interest. Currently however, Forsaken and Orc numbers are looking slim- and the Battalion intend to change that! Forsaken and Orcs apply today for special benefits to enlisting with the Bilgewater Cartel’s finest!


Organic campaigns made by the one & only Trautfizzle? Top notch quality Bilgewater RP? Join now and receive a 10% discount on your first mech!


Thank you Azkahlo!

After the ‘Cold Front - Grizzly Hills’ campaign which we were hosting and of course participating in came to its exciting, chaotic conclusion; the Bilgewater Battalion have returned home to Kalimdor and can now be found around Bilgewater Harbour, Orgrimmar and Azshara once again!

Not only are we excited to roll out another Harbour Hours as well as a foot bomb game soon as we approach the guilds second birthday but we are also going to be making some fundamental changes to the rank system which we hope shall make roles within the Battalion more defined and give every race their own little niche.

One of these is something that I’ve always personally had a keen interest in which is the concept of having a unit of Forsaken within the Battalion who can be identified by their cloaks which host Bilgewater colours yet have skulls embroidered onto them to show their bond with the Battalion as well as each other. Have you ever wanted to play a remnant of Sylvanas Windrunners war machine who seeks to teach the Loyalists what happens when they are on the receiving end of her creation? Enlist here!


This lot not only hosted the phenomenal Grizzly campaign, but is also a pure joy to rp with!
Wish I could’ve charged into battle with them more often.

Really hope we can join up again for some events and campaigns in the future! Had an absolute blast with the Bilgewater crew <3