Goblin luck

If its not fun, just dont do it. Video games are meant to be played for FUN.

It’s not. that’s why I’m not doing it. If people have it, good for them. If people want to farm it, good luck to them. I won’t be farming it because I know I won’t get it.

Like I’m still waiting on my Headless Horseman mount, yet I have had 4 invincible drops and had to destroy 3 of them.

Go figure.

but at least we know headless horseman returns every year , this one is a mistery, they can keep it locked till diablo 5, they can put it on shop, trading post , anything . i don’t like how unclear the future of this mount

a common factor in luck , is that the more you try the less are the chances of winning.
it does become more of an greed then need issue.

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