[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

A ton’s been going on with the companies. Tangling with the Infinite flight, taking out the head of a cult for revenge, welcoming back and subsequently promoting our long lost Lieutenant to Captain, and stealing a rare, potentially cursed recipe from trolls so we can serve it at a Forsaken wedding.

And our Barge is haunted.

B.O.O.M.T.E.C Incorporated would like to take the time and dispel any rumours of flesh eating plants, union uprisings, unleashed old god specimens and rival loa cults you may have heard of as hearsay and fake news. The Barge is safe and our hard working staff is fairly compensated.

Entirely unrelated , several new intern positions have recently opened up, So if you think you have what it takes, contact one of recruitment officers today.


Me ain’t do nuttin’ mon.

BOOMTEC, after taking a short skip over to Tanaris and wade through neck-deep swarms of silithid, have arrived back at the Dragon Isles for a while. While we were told not to mess around with the druids and the Emerald Dream for the sake of keeping business relations intact, I’m sure we’ll find plenty to do still.

We’re currently hanging out on the Dragon Isles. Bit of research, bit of PR polish, bit of violent combat encounters.
Just the usual.

We have officially pledged NOT to interfere with the Emerald Dream. We cannot afford to damage any more trees.

Oh my gosh it was one time and Betti’s been doing loads of stuff to make up for it OK, or at least her employees have!

As always BOOMTEC is recruiting for all ranks, so come and join us during these winter months!

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We’re almost finished with our current expedition to the Dragon Isles, and will be returning to Kalimdor soon. We can happily report, that the Battalion’s 100% win rate is unbroken, and no trees burnt down. Maybe.

Skam Fissure adjusts his NVG’s as dawn breaks, his overwatch position becoming increasingly exposed as the morning light rises. Upon gathering his gear and loading it back into the ATV he finalises his journal:

Times have changed. and I’m outta moolah, reckon these BOOMTEC lot may hold to key to getting that dirty rotten gold owing double crossin’ Kratos once and for all.

Heading back to Bilgewater for supplies and sleep.
Overclock signing off.

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BOOMTEC and their pals just wrapped up a third, plenty successful visit to the Dragon Isles. We got to research…- defend, the Emerald Dream, give Tyrhold a look that definitely didn’t almost end up in tragedy, and became best buds with the emerald and azure flights. (Allegedly.)

Back to the Mainland with us, where we’ll be taking it easy during the holidays.

After a well-earned break, we’re back at it!
“It” being work and Azeroths mainland shores both, even if we got sidetracked a bit by a storm and possibly haunted island, nothing to worry about really.

We will take back what you stole from us, you thieving bastards!

(Love you guys though, keep staying awesome!)

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I’m legally obligated to say we don’t know what you’re talking about / we don’t remember / we didn’t do it (Circle whichever fits the situation best)

In other news, BOOMTEC is currently anchored at the Broken Isles. Business partners of ours have pointed out a possible Legion remnant problem, and what better way to deal with it than goblin firepower?

We just finished a campaign. Back to do our regular tales of craziness!
you should like… join us!

Even as we kick back after a long campaign of demon slaying, things aren’t really quiet. Soul extraction, suffering through management of a very unique goblin restaurant, battling renegade azure attendants and giant enemy crabs… just in time for the Lunar Festival too.

Ain’t nothing quiet about our line of work.

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BOOMTEC are currently down in Un’goro Crater helping Sparkforge Industries solve the mystery of what happened to their research team. It turns out it was the Twilight Cult, but the trail is getting colder by the minute. To be honest, our Goblins are just trying to not get eaten by dinosaurs!

Be sure to contact any of our guildies who are online if you want to join in with the fun and join the guild over the coming days!

Terror… in Un’goro Crater.

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From Un’goro to Sholazar, via Titan waygate, in pursuit of some Twilight cultists? Average afternoon for us, really.
Tonight we even raided a cultist digsite to disrupt their crystal gathering operations. Their leader didn’t like that, but we’ll get around to sorting that soon.

A dastardly Commander within the Bilgewater Battalion has launched a chaotic crusade against BOOMTEC and allies, for what reason beyond old grudges we do not know! After the murder of Mogul Boomcrank, our operations across Kalimdor being taken over by the Battalion and a brutal attack on the Barge, BOOMTEC felt backed into a corner and in an all or nothing move Betti’s daughter decided to initiate a merger with Sparkforge Industries! Now flying under neutral colours, all the company need to do is make it to Mechagon where they can seek safe harbour where the Battalion can’t reach them- but will they?

Other than that, yes! BOOMTEC Incorporated has merged with Sparkforge Industries! For a long time our Goblin guild has forged relations with Gnomes despite our differences, starting with our work for the Rustbolt Rebellion with the Arclight Association of old. Now that we’ve discerned that the cross faction guild feature is indeed working, we’ve decided now’s the time for two guilds to become one. All of our Gnomes, Dwarves, Humans and Worgen from Sparkforge Industries have now moved over to BOOMTEC, holding onto the same officers as before of course and working fifty fifty with a slight Goblin lean. More information can be found in the first post of the thread!

If you want to be recruited during this exciting plotline that will take us towards the War Within, please whisper Gearwell, Boltwrench, Joltrigs, Sawblaster or Mendenhall on Alliance side and Hexfeltech, Sparr, Gravenfield, Trautfizzle or Cinderbelt on Horde side as and when we’re online. Alternatively you can send us mail, post in this thread or ask one of our guild members to pass on your request, we’ll see it!


Wait, Betti’s dead?!


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