[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

We’ve arrived on Mechagon Island after narrowly escaping the wrath of the Blazing Hellions who almost sunk our barge! Now we have time to rest an recuperate away from the not-so-rogue Battalion units grasp as we try to invent and scheme our way out of this mess.

The plot is getting exciting now, and we’re happy to say we’re still recruiting so more can join in on the action!

Mechagon’s pretty chill all things considered.

There was an air of piracy about, last week, for some reason, doubly so for us, considering we took a surprise visit to Freehold to exfiltrate alongside an important goblin. The pirates didn’t like that, but they’re busy putting fires out right now.
We also had to stop a haywire robot we made (planned, I’m sure) and contend with an escaped war criminal (not one of ours this time). All in all, business as usual.

It’s been a hectic week once again. We took the fight to the Battalion, and blew up a secret base with a mega-death-fel cannon! You should have been there to see it!

Like seriously, you should be here with us, as we stick it to that git Commander Blazzlevex!

Been getting some actual business dealings done around good ol’ Kul Tiras. Can’t keep Bilgewater goblins (and associates) down for long, we’ll find our way to re-establish.
We also got hunted by a bitter undead through a spooky forest, don’t worry about that part.

The past weeks have been a truly testing the recently-reformed BOOMTEC and its members.
Trapped by demon conspirator naga and ferried off to Nazjatar, battling lunatic Scourge-adjacents, uncovering a sinister alliance between the Battalion coup attempters and servants of the Twisting Nether… and even stumbling upon heartbreaking revelations regarding the bloodline of our own Mogul.
But after a long and treacherous period of remaining in hiding, BOOMTEC has reclaimed its glory and reestablished its name! All it took was killing a horrible amalgamation of fel, and applying thorough percussive persuasion and hellfire to an unwilling goblin.

We’re back to our usual schedule now - including fixing up our Barge. Again.

We’ve followed a spooky demonlord to a spooky isle, where our old-old-old boss used to do spooky experiments! There were also spooky arakkoa.
We did sleuthing in a haunted garrison, we fought moldmen, we investigated ruins of mysterious technologies, and in the end, destroyed an ultra-powerful tome of dark magic!

The demonlord is out there, still… although, in a slightly different form. I’m sure we’ll be able to handle it the next time he turns up!

Catching wind of some mysterious operations restarting within the Deadmines, we pursued one of the workers who took a worryingly powerful, artificial soulstone, and fled.
This led us down a multi-day event chain bordering on horror, and the void forcing some nasty crap onto the surface.

I’m sure we’ll all look back on this and laugh (or cry), but until then, BOOMTEC is back in business properly!

We’re currently moored at Ratchet, taking some chill time after several months of non-stop action. Some R&R needed, but, worth it. More adventures to come in the following weeks, so join us if you can.


Things’ve been quiet these past weeks while we’re repairing our Barge and re-establish some property we’ve lost.
In the meantime, we’ll float around Ratchet more, as well as giving Zandalar a prolonged visit.

Nommuch’s happened recently, but we’re around! We’s enjoying the summer for the most part! It helps when your base is a floating fortress!

Turns out when you literally drive your base everywhere it needs a long time to hammer out all the problems, whoda thunk it.
While that goes (and while a lot of our members enjoy well-earned summer breaks), we’re hunkering down in Ratchet a bit longer.

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Repairs of our Barge are coming along well, so we’re firing up the engines again!
Coincidentally a warlock seal was swiped in town when we were out having a bar night - small world, huh!

We’re currently in Gilneas having ‘procured’ some goods misplaced by those who would hoard priceless dragon artifacts and refuse to return them to the dragons. A plague seeps through a Gilnean fishing village and the villagers fear the roaming Scarlet warband that attacked them right before the plague started. It’s a lot on our plate for what was meant to be a rest stop, but BOOMTEC are working together to find a solution to the plight of these villagers.

Recruitment as ever is still open and it’s going to be very interesting for our guild of mainly Gnomes, Dwarves and Goblins going into the War Within, with such technology and secrets to uncover.

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We’re now headed for the magical city of Dalaran! We’ll probably use the Northrend version of the city and set up in the engineering shop if we find modern Dalaran to be too phased and set up on Thursday. With everything going on right now this is a perfect time to come visit us as we seek to investigate odd happenings in the city that our inquiring minds are suspicious of - nothing bad can happen in Dalaran, right?

Our recruitment is open in the lead up to the War Within, this is a great time to get your character involved in the guild as we’ll be starting some new storylines during the expansion to get your character involved in!

A forsaken who could be mistaken for one of our associates was arrested in Dalaran tonight. What a turn of events.
In other news, a guard went missing. We don’t know anything about that, though. We were hanging out in our shop all day.

The tragedy that befell Dalaran didn’t spare our company either - not only are many of our members missing, but our own base came under attack during the fall of the city of mages, leaving us - for the time being - forcibly land-locked.
The current goal is getting our stuff in working order, and figure out what exactly happened; both to our MIA colleagues, and to Dalaran itself. Our first trek to salvage what is useful in our damaged headquarters did not end too well… but we’ll keep trying.

Mipps’ claims that everything’s going wrong are wildly over-exaggerated, everything’s fine! We’re just testing out new coastline property for Gilgoblins.

With a new union focus coming in hot, BOOMTEC are proud to announce the opening of positions for our brand spankin’ new ARC&D department! Are you a scholar who wants to push the boundaries of what we know, to build magical inventions alongside our other departments who are likeminded in their thirst for knowledge? Do you want to do so for variably good causes while sometimes bending the rules and get paid for doing so? Then enquire today! (Extra ‘sorry your city exploded’ pay for ex-citizens of Dalaran)


From all hope having seemed to be lost after the destruction of Dalaran and our barge, BOOMTEC are chasing opportunities once again! After a fierce confrontation with a hoity toity Bilgewater Battalion Commander that resulted in BOOMTEC declaring itself in a race with Bilgewater forces to find rich and powerful Goblins that went missing in Dalaran, we’ve bargained access to a steam ship that will get us to the mysterious isle of Khaz Algar.

For those who may be interested in joining us, we’ll be sailing out on Wednesday and arriving by Friday - so if you want the thrill of first setting your eyes on these unexplored lands with us IC feel free to approach any of our officers OOC, send us mail or reply to this forum thread before then for recruitment!

Having taken some consideration, we’ve also decided that seen as we’re a neutral guild now and the Earthen enjoy technology and research so much that we will be accepting Earthen amongst our ranks! Are you a machine speaker that seeks to learn more about Goblin and Gnomish technology, or an Unbound with a personal directive for adventure and craftsmanship? BOOMTEC should be perfect for you!

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After a week of salvaging parts, battling virmen for veggies and trying to wrangle the various experiments and creatures that escaped the barge when it crashed, BOOMTEC have embarked on our journey to Khaz Algar via a steamship we got at a steal of a price! Unfortunately, said ship was a big fixer upper, but after last nights event where poor navigational skills resulted in us passing too close to the Isle of Thunder for our ship not to get struck by lightning, we’re now on course to arrive on the Isle of Dorn tomorrow!

Although we’ll be arriving tomorrow, there’s still time to join us and say you were sent to meet us on the Isle, or come with our reinforcements!